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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


AmycutScratches_468x402.jpgAmy Winehouse got an uncontrollable itch – or was the zipper on her cutoffs stuck? Anyway she took a short fix-it break onstage at the music festival at Cornwall where she FINALLY turned up to perform. She missed a few shows – supposedly they interfered with her drinking schedule. Her wardrobe malfunction was temporary, and she unsteadily returned to her singing. Never a dull moment!

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  1. Anonymous

    she stinks!

  2. Cynthia

    Wooo Hooo!! Amy Winehouse rocks! Absolutely the very best singer to come along in a very long time. Cheers to a beautiful girl with tons of soul. Do ya’ll have any idea the pain and passion this woman can pour into a song? I can’t get enough. I’ve got to find “Frank”

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    her label gives her drugs I heard

  5. Old Broad

    She’s always wearing those same shorts and that same belt. Doesn’t she have anything else?
    I think I’ve heard her song (Trouble?) on commercials for some new TV show and it’s really quite good. Too bad she seems to be self destructing.

  6. Art Chic

    Hey don’t diss my JCha!!
    That said Amy Whinehouse is a totally ridculous JUNKIE and I don’t blame her record company for pimping/touring her while they can get the cash outta that mangey body.

  7. Anonymous

    The dude in the picture is adjusting himself…

  8. Anonymous

    You neglected to mention these concert goers required a delousing after her performance.

  9. Anonymous

    What is it with the skankfest on this site lately? Isn’t there anyone left to write about that isn’t a drug-addled, alcoholic, cross-dressing, out-of-control freak?

  10. Anonymous

    too skinny!

  11. Anonymous

    How do those shorts manage to stay on her body? there’s nothing to fill them in, she really needs to start eating.

  12. Anonymous

    I knew she was a HE!!

  13. Anonymous

    She has CRABS down below and FLEAS on top! Take a shower honey!

  14. Anonymous

    She’s just warming up. Worked for Madonna. Anyway that was shot for Huatler TV’s new rock reality show “Larry Flynt’s Soundcheck”

  15. Anonymous

    Disgusting is what I think. Love her voice though.