amypotscut0507_468x691.jpgNewlywed Amy Winehouse is back in London, settling into the role of housewife. She had a puzzling moment when she hauled the trash out behind her North London home only to find her garbage cans weren’t there. A kindly neighbor let her dump her bags in his container. Later she and husband Blake went to the store to stock up on a few necessities, including pots and pans and toilet paper. The happy pair spent the rest of the afternoon at the local pub.

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  1. She should stay at the curb with the rest of trash!

  2. she is scary looking,,,think about waking up with that!!!

  3. Mossy, cobblestone streets? Must be an upmarket area, makes sense as the album is selling like hotcakes.

  4. she is so fugly I have no idea why anyone cares about her!

  5. Maybe we care about her because she is extremelly talented!!Now you can go listen to your Britney Spears collection!

  6. sorry people,but her c.d. TANKED here drug hag

  7. She needs to take that extra lump of hair off the top of her head, gain some weight and abandon the cigarettes.

  8. Why do you keep running stories on these scummy people? Please – no more!

  9. If you can look past the crazy get up and personality she is talented.
    Her music is real.
    She sings like an old soul ala Shirley Bassey (Gold Finger and Diamonds are Forever). Many times it the nutcases who has talent because they work outside the lollypop box.
    If you like Britney Spears and Beyonce etc.. then do not listen to Amy.

  10. Obviously you’re one of the many hired to promote this overhyped, ugly no-talent. Cease & desist!

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