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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Amy Winehouse is popping out – from her top and for the evening. She looks hugely pleased with her new implants – now that she’s too voluptuous for her clothes, she might consider buying a new wardrobe. She’s pictured here going out for a night in Camden on a double date with her attractive friend Tyler James and another couple. If she ever REALLY gets her act together – we bet Pedro Almodovar would love to cast her in a movie.

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  1. Bettye Bluejay

    Almodavar casting Amy Winehouse instead of Madge? Oh my, someone’s butt is burning!

  2. Generation X

    To be alive with the way she lives/has lived is a miracle.

  3. Reta

    Hideous scrawny mess with fake tits. Yeah, like THAT’S appealing!

  4. clementine

    Meow…Janet’s cattyness always cracks me up…

  5. Anon1

    pppfffhahahahahaha really ?? are you doing the casting Janet?? hahahahahahahaha

  6. Etienne

    He looks like a young David Cassidy. Ew.

  7. captain america

    but it’s the smell we can’t deal with………