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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Amy Schumer was a presenter and didn’t win any trophies at the DGA Awards, but she’s in the running for Worst Dressed. We love comedienne Amy for supporting equal rights for women, but there’s nothing funny about this matronly navy blue frock. Maybe she’s trying to look serious. The sweat stains imply that she’s more frazzled than she appears – and if she borrowed this dress, the lender won’t be happy.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. producer

    she cares what you think?

  2. Daggers

    That pointy chubby chin and those thin lips. Too bad.

  3. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    James Corden in bad drag; insufferably unfunny–and like her reptilian-politician-relative, seemingly everywhere.

    Mere mention of her B.O. is sufficient to fuel one’s imagination with smell-o-vision. Can we bring back the vaudeville “hook” for lousy acts?

  4. beachy

    She is absolutely NOT funny. Or interesting.

  5. whyaskwy

    Amy is about as funny as a yeast infection.

  6. libby

    I don’t see any sweat stains…stop with the fat shaming

  7. Ragnhild Sejersted

    nice attempt to fat shame her