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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Biggest movie disappointment (but not the only one) this week is “Snatched.” And we REALLY wanted to like it! The cast was impressive – Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn, Wanda Sykes and Joan Cusack, but all that talent went to waste, mired in an embarrassingly lame and unfunny script. Shockingly, the Snatched screenplay was written by a woman, but we could have sworn it was Adam Sandler in drag. Lots of infantile vulgarity and slapstick, along with a shortage of wit or funny situations. Amy’s movie Trainwreck showed potential, but it has not been realized. We actually felt sorry for Goldie Hawn, who deserves better for her comeback movie.
Photo: Fox

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  1. morekissespls

    I would see it just to see Hawn and Joan Cusack.

  2. Bonnie

    Since Goldie Hawn has had a face job, she now resembles Courtney Love and that’s not a compliment

  3. It's me Margaret

    1. Don’t ever waste your money on anything Amy schemer.
    2. You should know better.
    3. Read 1 & 2

  4. Sal Delvechio the barber

    Who in their right mind would pay to see this garbage at the Cinema?

  5. Scooby

    Re: Schumer(s)–what more should someone expect from a pig, other than a grunt?

  6. kissy

    they have wheelchairs over there………….

  7. susieserb

    Any reasonably thinking person would not have entertained wasting their money on this shlock.

  8. Palermo

    Hmm, interesting libby

  9. libby

    her dads cousin is senator chuck schumer…don’t know anyone else she is related to that would have any pull

  10. Rhonda

    its just a cheap imitation of Melissa mccarthys movie Tammy.

  11. Palermo

    Is she related to some bigshot in Hollyweird? Cause she is unattractive, vulgar, and not remotely funny.

  12. noblecascade

    I just don’t think Amy is funny. Never have.

  13. DanDan

    I am adult. I don’t like to watch actors of either gender acting like vulgar teenagers.

  14. Wanda

    Good God why would anyone cast that talent-less Hack? Amy Schumer SUCKS! NO ONE finds her funny other then lesbian feminists with low IQs and mental disorders. Please make it go away!