American Idol is a hotbed of gossip since Ellen Degeneres was abruptly hired to replace Paula Abdul. When noteworthy former contestant Constantine Maroulis and Idol judge Kara DioGuardi spotted each other across the catwalk at a New York fashion show, they just HAD to have a chat. Constantine was very curious about Kara’s take on the situation, but Kara seemed far more interested in texting- or is she taking his phone number?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Jasper's Goat
Oh yeah, PS: Are they going to give her more leg room under the judge’s table to put one leg on top of the other like she does on her show?
Jasper's Goat
Just wondering: Is ellen still going to dress like a man on A.I.,the way she does on her stale boring talk show? Faggots will watch A.I. in droves now. so funny.
PS Ellen will suck on that show because all she does is the same old TIRED “cute” stuttering schitck and has no critical background to “judge” contestants & although the judges are all fake anyways and it is the producers who decide the outcome.
She’s a skank and he stanks.
He looks sleezy and slippery and unclean. Get a bruss and shave your nasty as face before going out, that shit-faced look just doesn’t cut it, and the whisker stubble feels like shit on a real ladie’s skin!
Bettye Bluejay
He’s not looking at Kara, he’s busy looking around the room, constantly scanning for action for himself.
SHe is no prize, but think about Ghetto Corey Clark and how Paula was all over him and then lied to America….that is when should have been fired. Was she so desparate for meat?
captain america
………………THONGS TOO, folks?
D. Duck
Constantine always imagined himself like a “Romeo” or “Valentino” of olden days….like the old black and white silent movies where he is reclining on a chaise lounge with a come-hither look. The way he thinks he is sexy by focusing his eyes in a stare is so laughable. However, I think Kara would fall for any man that looks at her twice. Her finace was caught in a club flirting just days before getting married. Maybe she will have an affair to get even with him, such as the affair with Paula and Corey.
B. Bobby
It may be like Paula Abdul and the black guy. But at least this one is a former contestant.