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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Amal Clooney is probably the only lawyer in the world who is followed relentlessly by paparazzi. It’s not due to her considerable accomplishments, but to her striking looks and famous husband. At least she always has a pleasant look on her face and doesn’t seem disturbed by the attention. We like that.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Shelby

    Girlfriend needs to eat a few Big Macs! She’s way too bony to be sexy.

  2. Hilary

    Well, she’s happy because she is thinking of all of the $$$ she is getting as her husband’s beard. I’m all for it, because she is in on the “secret” — 🙂

  3. Daggers

    R U kidding. She looks anorexic. Skinny arms and legs and all over, which makes her head look even bigger. Eat a double cheeseburger and gain about 15-20 lbs.

  4. Strom

    Very skinny legs!

  5. Mick

    @Philberto Cardenez the billable hours? More like the settlement she will get.

  6. EfromTN

    Huge difference between this, healthy, and obese. Why can’t she look healthy?? I’m not saying gain 100 pounds. It’s ridiculous to hold anyone to this standard of weight.

  7. Bluejay

    Striking, gorgeous, smart, clever, world-class wit. Please gain 15 pounds. Just 15.

  8. Philberto Cardenez

    Clooney will regret marrying a Lawyer when she serves him divorce papers in a couple of years. Imagine the billable hours.

  9. MissEva

    She has a beautiful figure. When did being FAT become so acceptable and even preferable? No thank you.

  10. Rich

    I wonder if she realizes that people are enrolling in her courses only because of who she is married to?

  11. Natalie

    If you saw a man walking around looking this thin, you’d think there was something wrong with him. But I guess it’s ok for women to starve themselves and be admired for it.

  12. wowsers

    She always looks fantastic. Money + Stylists + Good taste. All that and educated and smart. She definitely makes the most of what she has and is (which is all anyone can do in life).

  13. the Strom troopers

    America is profoundly obese, bordering on the catastrophic. This is what a woman should look like. Fit, elegantly dressed and demonstrably capable. I bet she doesn’t watch tv, inhale donuts, or sit down all day.

    wake up America, you’re gonna die feeding at the trough, get fit ! please

  14. Strom

    Very skinny legs.

  15. EfromTN

    Eat ever??