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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Alicia Silverstone is not about to let us forget how politically correct and her beliefs are. From top to bottom she screams “GREEN!” Her sweatshirt tells us she’s a strict vegeterian, and she’s carrying a cup of rainforest grown yerba mate tea. Her tote bag announces that it is NOT a plastic bag, and her recycled rubber shoes – definitely NOT Jimmy Choos – pretty much thumb their nose at fashion. We love a girl who stands behind her convictions – especially in rubber clogs.

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  1. Natasha

    Alicia is great. She’s so smart and sweet.
    I live a cruelty free life too. People can learn from her!!!!
    She’s beautiful!

  2. Wilson

    Can any ppl tell me which brand of her bag is? I love it. can send to my mail ?

  3. Anonymous

    Heck, I’ve wanted a piece of her ever since those Aerosmith videos!

  4. Anonymous

    That tea stuff she is drinking actually is awesome. I have a friend who swears by it. Better kick than coffee without the crash..

  5. Anonymous

    I think she’s hot.

  6. Anonymous

    It’s great that she’s a vegan but does that mean she’s required to dress like a homeless chick? She always looks like she needs a shower and her clothes are dirty. As far as what she’s drinking..she’s just trying to prove to herself she’s cool. She’s not even pretty..her mouth is weird.

  7. Patrick

    How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb?
    None!Vegans can’t change anything.

  8. Anonymous

    this makes me want a steak and a fur coat.

  9. sunseeds777

    You do know IKEA is going to do away with plastic bags and will start charging you 5 cents for them.
    This chick is a trendsetter.
    How to help out IKEA, take your old Wal-Mart bags to them and let them give them away…
    Talk about a rich company just being cheap! They said it take 1000 years for a bag to decompose, total baloney!

  10. sunseeds777

    She looks pretty healthy for a veggie… In fact, a bit too health. I know a few veggies who are just essentially walking skeltons because they are leaving out essential vitamins in their diets so they’re like killing themselves.
    They model themselves after Madonna, where in which I’ll bet she has a burger now and then, just to keep some sort of body weight equalized.
    Madonna needs to be like a spokes person for Wendy’s or Hardee’s and chow down on a thick burger the way Paris Hilton made it famious on TV.

  11. spy

    I admire Alicia’s convictions. Go girl! But I hate crocs! Gross!

  12. Anonymous

    I have a blue hoodie sweatshirt that says, D O R K .
    i am so dorky

  13. Anonymous

    ROFLMAO virgie ! buahahahaha

  14. Anonymous

    Alicia looks damn good. How many people can walk around with no makeup and still look great. Not to many. Alicia you’re adorable.

  15. Anonymous

    Wow, 1:35 is seriously demented. Some scary ass sick people post on this web site. Clearly in need on professional help fast.

  16. Patrick

    Right on Virgie!
    The skinny,”playboy” look is a total fu#cking turn off to all men!
    Unless your a molester.

  17. Anonymous

    Vigie is a load of lard

  18. Virgie

    And even though it’s a bit crass, Patrick has a valid point. What is with all of these girls nowadays shaving all of their God given hair down there off?? Or “the Playboy” look as I heard it’s called? I just wish I could take someone like Nicole Richie and put a nice hot plate of a homecooked meatloaf in front of her. So sad all of this skinniness.

  19. Patrick

    Those organic, biodynamic girls taste the best.
    Where’s my floss?

  20. Virgie

    It’s people like you that give healthy, curvaceous women such as myself a bad name. I can just picture your pathetic self sipping your Sugar Free Red Bull and picking at your piece of salad! Anorexic whore.

  21. Anonymous

    Virgie you fat ugly cow,You will end up in a coffin and I bet it will be a piano sized on as well you slob,go on a diet,oink oink.

  22. Virgie

    A bloated cow??? Oh, and you’re a doctor? Well, let me just tell you that my HIGHLY trained doctor (Dr. McNeil, to be exact) also says that a decent sized bowl of ice cream or a slice of pecan pie is also O.K. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU CRITICIZE!

  23. Rona Parrot

    Janet,you mean from top to bottom she looks like hell.Someone tell this broad shes not a student anylonger and looks plain jane at best.Shes a movie star and should be looking her best when in public.I think she needs a good makeover.

  24. Nancy Stew

    Like rainbows too.I think alicia is a good example for children that you dont need to slaughter animals to live your life.Go Alcia

  25. Anonymous

    Virgie you sound like a bloated cow.switch doctors before you have a heart attack

  26. Fat is Flavor

    Did someone just say cheese?? Damn, now I’m so hungry I want to eat a whole friggin’ cow.

  27. Heidi Fume

    She was funny in Beauty Shop.I hope she starts working more

  28. Virgie

    I just want you all to know that being a Vegan is just entirely not healthy. Upon my doctor’s advice I started eating prime rib daily, along with three cheese scalloped potatos and creamed spinach and am proud to say I now weigh a very healthy 359 lbs.

  29. Pearl

    Why does she look like a wet hampster? is she broke,good lord she needs a bar of soap,in my day a lady LOOKED like a lady

  30. Ethel

    She looks like a sweet girl in need of a hug.

  31. Anonymous

    She looks good leave her alone,you guys are mean and heartless

  32. Give Me Dat!!!

    Paris Roach Mote couldn’t be more accurate. Hippie girl must loooove those swiss cheese shoes (and you know she’s a girl because no man in a sound state of mind would find her desirable) and dirty arm pits. Mmmm, nothing like a smelly hairy granola to turn you on.

  33. Tiffany NY

    She aint got NOOOOOO LOOOOOVE for fur n meat? Girl is crazy,get her some help,sheeeeeeeeet!

  34. London Marriott

    wow she looks really bad.she shouldnt leave the house looking so frumpy and dumpy.Dont vegans wear makeup?

  35. A Plumper

    Alicia is skinny and needs to gain weight like I did,im a plump happy meat eater

  36. Anonymous

    sometime ago, there were pictures from her wedding…it was really beautiful. very cool,

  37. Miz Red Lobstah

    She should buy Britneys Hair and make a pillow out of it.
    GIVE ME DAT!!!!!!

  38. Anonymous

    that whole deal is circa 1995.

  39. Jackie Harris

    Lord I bet her feet are hairy and reek

  40. Anonymous

    Go Alicia! You look great and have very strong convictions.

  41. SC

    She’s not too attractive without the makeup.

  42. Paris Roach Motel

    Alicia looks awful.Someone tell her to at least brush her hair and put some makeup on before she leaves her cave.And why on earth is she wearing those god awful smelly stupid rubber shoes? AWFUL FROM HEAD TO TOE!!!!

  43. Bev

    1.32 I bet your a smelly fat hippie as well,filthy commie,go eat some meat you stank breath hairy legged sea witch.I hope your v.w. van beaks down like your cankles.

  44. Anonymous

    She does not look like a dog Bev. 1:24 p.m. She’s gorgeous! Even without all the frosting. What is your problem? You’re probably a troll yourself spewing hatred from your pathetic mouth.

  45. Bev

    So shes a strict vegan,I guess thats why she looks like a Dog.

  46. Anonymous

    She’s wearing Crocs. The most comfortable shoes on the face of the earth. You go girl!!!

  47. Anonymous

    whatever. they sell that junk at the local healthfood store.
    she can eat and drink whatever she wants, and so can i. ok.