alfredhitchcock #janetcharlton
Suddenly Alfred Hitchcock, who died in 1980, is SO hot that two movies about him are about to be released. The first one by HBO is called “The Girl” and it airs October 20. This one sounds juicier – it chronicles Hitchcock’s obsession with his star of “The Birds” Tippi Hedren, and her struggle to fight off his advances. English actress Sienna Miller plays Tippi and Toby Jones plays the rather repulsive director. (Top photo)
The second movie, a feature film, is called “Hitchcock” and it documents the struggle the director had getting “Psycho” to the screen. Both films take place in the 60’s. Anthony Hopkins is Hitchcock and Scarlett Johansson is Janet Leigh in this movie, set for release on November 23.
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Johansson looks fortyish in that photo.
…… there a third one???
Why even do this? Neither Sienna nor Scarlett can hold a candle to the original actresses!
I agree with MissEva!
Alfred can be happy with the name he created to himself! good creator