Hot on the heels of Richard Dawkins’ book defining evolution, designer Alexander McQueen became inspired by the notion of Darwin’s The Origin of the Species, and these shoes and fashions were the result. His collection featured feathers and amphibian scales and prehistoric greenery. (The models even have gills on their temples.) The pinnacle of the collection, however, are the 12 inch high booties that resemble animal hooves. We’d like to see an X-ray of the position of the model’s feet inside. Walking a catwalk can be dangerous.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It’s not for the “average woman,” it’s high fashion. It’s art, it’s supposed to be photographed and looked at, not mass produced.
And while I’m on this thread, cheers for mentioning Richard Dawkins! Although I do not think he would consider these things an evolutionary step forward;-)
In the exact formation and angle of the first picture, the silhouette of the models’ shoes resembles the shape shown when ballerinas dance en pointe. Obviously, those crazy shoes do not put the models’ feet in the same positions so the leg position is off, but I found it to be an interesting, if bizarre, juxtaposition of images. I feel so sorry for the models having to put those things on and totter in them.
wonderful shoes ! I want a pair !
Thanks Mr McQueen for so high & beautiful heels !
Crazy, but cool!
Why do women allow themselves to be made
a fool of?
Now will the nonsense stop. This thing called “fashion” is a con game by self absorbed, affected people who have the charisma to generate big bucks as long as they are in the ‘in crowd”. But I’m afraid those with too much money to spend and no taste will continue to support these self important, shallow people and industry.
Those are the STUPIDEST looking shoes I have ever seen, they remind me of hooves, and that’s creepy. I’m sure those girls can’t do their model walks in those ugly things.
Simon, you’re right about the Cap’n, he sure DOES act like he knows a lot about the gay scene, at least he can sure pick em out huh? He’s a class act all the way. Oh by the way, his real name, since he’s hiding behind a moniker is Gerard Vandenburg. Bet his family is real proud or the old goat.
gay tallywacker
bet we’ll see victoria b in these!
***captain amerikkka puked: “NO WONDER HE’S A FAGGOT………….”***
You should know captain, you had McQueen’s sloppy seconds after Clay Aiken did.
In fact, you seem to know quit a lot about the fag world. First hand experience I should guess.
fascinating. I’d never wear them (cause I’d fall on my fat ass) but they are certainly different. let’s see Carrie Bradshaw run down the street in a pair of these.
Jasper's Goat
Alexander does have an appropriate name, no?
Hideous, boring. Looking for a way to break your leg/ankle? Pick one of these rediculous things. The so-called “fashion” should be laughed off the runway!
This is sad, cartoonish. Have they ran out of ideas in the fashion world? I just hope to see a miniscule of idiots in these. Let’s list the fame whores in no particular order:
Paris Hilton
Lindsey Lohan
Ugly chickens. This is Not for the average sensible woman.