Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin
Alec Baldwin DOES have a big mouth at times, but we don’t think his “Filipino mail order bride” comment to David Letterman deserved the amount of flak it got. (Alec joked to Dave that he might need a Filipino mail order bride in order to achieve the goal of having more children.) Philippine government officials took the offhand comment very seriously and were outraged. Baldwin had to apologize. What’s wrong with these people who can’t take a joke? A sense of humor is SO essential – we’re backing Alec on this one. Above, Alec is having iced coffee in Bridgehampton, New York, with a female friend.
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Gawd he looks like hell. Hope he’s on his way to the gym in those clothes.
Look closely. In the wake of “Filipino-gate” (and thanks to modern science), Alec has bravely decided to carry any future children HIMSELF.
Do you think having children are a lighthearted joke, like ordering a burger, or hiring some innocent lady to have one so you can be happy is funny..? Children are sold there for sex abuse by foreigners.. Doesn’t the mother of his children deserve romance, dating and a build up of trust with her husband, father of her child? He should have said he would love to meet, fall in love with a decent, moral woman and enjoy parenthood.
I thought that was a picture of Joey Buttafuco!!
………Or Joey Buttafu**er.
……Or Joe Buttafu**er…
I would never have recognized him. He should hire a personal trailer, or have about 30 pounds of fat sucked out of his belly and waist. At this angle, his face and hair kinda look like Regis Philbin.
It’s not like the Philippine government is cracking down on the mail order bride biz though.
^^^ Tally, you’re absolutely right. Still, one doesn’t usually discuss these truths in polite company. In the same way that OFFICIALLY Barabara Bush is regarded as a folksy, plain-spoken, favorite great-grandma, when everyone in the world knows she is actually a vile, fire-breathing khunt.
Yet liberals don’t get why people are offended when Letterman calls a sitting Gov. Palin a slutty flight attendant and daughter pregnant by Arod at a Yankees game.
Alec is both sexy AND funny!!!
Not everyone’s a joker like you, and him. Maybe, he, should keep his, joke to himself, and just, shut his, mouth or better yet he, should of just, share it, with you instead. Maybe, you’re sold out to the idea as his, bride but, I’m sure not them, Filipino lady’s.
You both sound too immature!