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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


She’s been an astronaut, a judge and has done practically everything else but will Barbie now be an Oscar winner?  Odds are good since Barbie got 9 nominations for Golden Globes. According to an insider, if Margot Robbie wins an Oscar for playing the iconic doll or the movie happens to win one for best movie or best screenplay, plans are already underway with Mattel to launch a very limited edition “Oscar winner” Barbie. The proceeds will be donated to the Academy’s Film Museum. Limited edition Barbies are very collectible and can sell for a small fortune, so this will be a win-win situation in terms of marketing and for the film museum.

Photo: Warner Bros

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  1. Becca

    The first half was fun, the second half was not!

  2. Rosa

    Some barby dolls are worth a lot for sure.

  3. emmy

    Even a free ticket would not be enough for me to watch that tripe

  4. Gary

    Yes, I agree with Lexi. This had to be the worst movie I have seen in quite some time. The film industry is definitely in the gutter. If I were an actor, I certainly wouldn’t want this film on my list of credits for my career. Everyone today just seems to take the money and run never really seeing the trash they are putting out there.

  5. Lexi Belle

    Sad state of affairs in the Film Industry.
    I went to the theater to watch this film and most of the audience including myself walked out in the first 20 minutes