Photo Credit: Splash News
American Idol finalist Adam Lambert must have felt like a million bucks when he went back to his high school for homecoming weekend. There was a parade and all kinds of festivities when Adam returned to his alma mater, Mount Carmel High School, in San Diego. The mayor even presented him with a plaque that said “Adam Lambert Day.” Adam was dazzled by the attention. We wonder if Adam was anywhere NEAR as popular in high school as he is now.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sebastian Stoker
Sometimes I find it hard to believe the claims that this celeb or that one is gay. I always thought that being gay and being dull as dishwater were mutually exclusive.
What else are they going to be inspired by, Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
So, Nadia and most of you are saying that Jesus is a hater, since he wrote Romans Chapter 1?
If his high school counselors knew of the unnatural and unspeakable acts that Adam is involved in I’m sure they would be truly shocked. The homosexual agenda is being rammed down the throats of all Americans by 20th Century Fox and it’s well known CEO for a reason folks!!
gerard Vandenberg
You rock Nadia. They just don’t get it.
You hate-monger bible-toting morons are an embarassment to all christians. You read the bible but you don’t understand it. Congratulations on not being illiterate but shame on you for not having brain cells to interprete anything. Whether someone is gay, straight, black, white, male, female, hindu or christian – you must love them. No biblical work encourages hatred towards anyone and no person on this planet possesses the qualities or characteristics of anyone who can pass judgment as we are all with fault. So accept this man for being a talented individual and leave the judgment to God. And if, for some reason, you are without sin and have a God-given ability to judge the world – then perhaps do something more positive with your gift than promote hatred.
Lance Bass
Do you think he’s a top or bottom?
George Michael
Do you think he likes public parks and public bathrooms?
Homer Simpson
I can’t wait for him and Clay Aiken to do a duet live from the local bath house.
Michale Jackson
I’ll be voting for him. He’s the new Liberace!
I love KRIS!!
Please vote for him.
I’m sick to death of him getting shoved down our throats already. The judges have been pushing for him to win all along and it has been obviously overstacked for him and against the others, which is not fain. I hope he loses and it has nothing to do with his sexuality but just xick of the over exposure already. Enough!!
Janet, you have a sick and hate-filled bunch of posters. Shame on you all for harshly judging such a talented young man. You need to go to Church and read the Bible. I pity the lot of you bitter Fraus and your sad little lives.
Elizabeth Draper
I don’t even like the way he sings, but after reading these comments, I’ll be voting like crazy for Adam. Who are they to judge how anybody leads their life? Jesus made a point of and parables about hanging with the despised portions of the community. Prostitutes, and tax collectors, the bottom of the rung for that time. And he NEVER mentioned homosexuals at all.
Simon Cowbell
What’s so funny is that straight white teen girls are going crazy for a gay guy. Shows you just how screwed up teen girls are.
He is very talented even though he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill.
This begs the question: Is there anyone in the whole of California that is 100% straight? Satan’s plan is for high schoolers to be fooled by this deviant life-style which has been roundly condemned in many places in the Bible. Sadly, they and most of the world are illiterate about this matter.
dandy lion
It’s a pretty good bet that Adam will be the winner. His multitude of faggot fans will put him over the top.