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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Kim Basinger is the perfect example of a celebrity who DOESN’T want to be noticed at the airport. She arrived at the Vancouver airport covered up in a big gray jacket, baggy jeans and a white t shirt. Clunky sandals, sunglasses and a hat completed her disguise. She’s in Vancouver to start filming “The Death and Life of Charlie St Cloud.” Kim plays Zac Efron’s mother in this drama.

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  1. Jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    This woman has worked so hard for her whole life and as you get older in HollyWood you might not want to work and so you have to have an Easter Egg under your bed and you have to make ends meet know adays and of course in life you should come out ahead and protect yourself and your money and that is being really smart and keeping things together and also having something for a rainy day is great to be able to count some Lambs down the road!

  2. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feierabend Jr.

    How could you hide Beauty…Some one in this world is always going to know who you are Sweet Heart.!

  3. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Feierabend

    It is a problem being stalked and having every one pay attention to you when you walk into the room…I bet it is really hard having strangers talk to you like they know you has to be a major freak out!

  4. Sir Justin Ross

    When you start looking your age..You really want to sneak into town and not draw attention.

  5. Lowlarain Feierabend

    It is always better to be fair about divorce and allow each other to still live well without each other.

  6. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass.

    Sneaking into town and getting away from other people is her cause.

  7. Casonia logenberry..Hells kitchen..I want elisa to get kicked off the show and the main reason for that is that! I want to be the first black woman to win on the show and yes she does a good job but her personality stinks and..I hate her? I hope she hangs

    It is better to put some money aside for a Rainy day and when two people divorce it is best to keep some things that mean alot to you.

  8. Casonia Sade Logenberry

    Kim Basinger is going throw a Divorce and she has a right to her money and she has a right to cover her face and in life it has to be the hardest thing in the world to have some stranger walk up to you and start taking pictures of you out of the blue and that has to be stressful and unwanted at times and some times a sweet kind lady might not be feeling well and feel tired or just want to be left alone and to have your privacy gone just like that and having people follow you around makes a woman feel bugged to death and that is not fair…To have every move you make told to the world.

  9. E

    She looks gorgeous. Too bad she can’t act.

  10. right

    Look, when you are on an airplane COVER UP YOUR FEET. The slobs need to learn to dress correct. Flying is bad enough without the peeps with tank tops and sandals.

  11. Zee

    I think she looks terrific. Hopefully we will all look that great when we reach her age…..Sadly…..most of us won’t

  12. Moshe

    Yep she was boned by black Prince for many a year….hopefully she has steered herself back on the right track.

  13. captain america

    please stay calm: SHE HASN’T MUCH THOUGH.
    (there is an financial crises going on, folks)

  14. L'il Off Broadway

    Reta, she had an affair with Prince in 1988 thru about 1990. She said this herself. I distinctly remember it, because I heard her. Also, it is all over the internet. You can even just type in the words Kim Basinger and Prince, scroll down and it shows her boyfriend in 1988 was Prince. They lived in the same residence for most of this time. This is a fact Jack.

  15. Reta

    I never HEARD of Kim being with Prince, when the hell was THIS suposed to have happened?

    As to her outfit, I think it DOES call a lot of attention to her. Most regular people in the airports don’t wear strange combinations like that. She’d stick out in a LARGE crown from quite a way back I think, dressed like that. But, maybe that’s the point?!

  16. L'il Off Broadway

    I can never get past the fact she was with Prince. Never. Horror or horrors.