We imagine Clint Eastwood wasn’t thrilled to hear about Beyonce’s pregnancy because he hoped to start filming their movie “A Star Is Born” in February. Odds are it will be delayed. Clint really wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to play the male lead but he passed on the part. Now we hear Eastwood has hired Christian Bale to play the celebrity husband who becomes emasculated as his wife’s popularity rises and his own eclipses. We’re thinking Bale will bring QUITE a different edge to the character. This will be the fourth remake of the movie – in the 1974 version, Elvis Presley was desperate to play the role opposite Barbra Streisand – he felt it would change his career. But Colonel Parker nixed the idea.

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  1. I doubt Bale (A Real Actor) would want to play opposite the worst actress ever…stick to singing. Clint must have lost mind when he picked. Seriously sometimes the Oscars pick who they want to give an Oscar to and then dole out the roles accordingly. Fix is in.

  2. chris, you are so right. This project sounds like it was dreamed up the marketing department–and attaching Bale and Eastwood won’t do anything to dent the stink coming off Beyonce’s “acting.”

    Not to mention the fact that his prestigious credentials aside, Clint managed to turn one of the biggest selling books of all time (“Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil” into an unwatchable mess. 🙁

  3. bale is a turd.

    remember his fit on the set of terminator salvation against shane hurlbut—you can still listen to it on youtube

    did you know his dad was married to Gloria Steinem for three years (until david bale died)

  4. Big Forehead black girl who cant act…..it will be worse than Whitney Houston acting in the same type money. Keep her in the ghetto!

  5. oh dear.
    oh my…..
    would never see
    much less
    to see.
    o Clint…..

  6. Bale is a total a hole-I’ll never go to see one of this creep’s movies.

  7. As you guys all said, Christian won’t lower his standards (fits included-LOL!)to work with Beyonce who as Chris stated, “stick to singing”. I like Clint but he should really audition more seasoned actresses.

  8. Bale is a world class prick. He met his match and or better as a lad in Empire Of The Sun with Malkovitch. Bale was good in The Fighter.

  9. Listening to Bey speak in extensive interviews is painful enough..She’s not very bright and a pretty shallow person.

  10. Uh yeah, I can’t wait to see this minature baby camel. Fuck this dumb dribble, I want to know more about jayz misress of 10 years mysterious death.

  11. I was told he hates n*ggers like her who wanna look white………..

  12. She is also shamed of her race.

    Babs Streisand will be furious if this happens and a no talent ghetto girl plays her role!

  13. I think it’s a tired old story. Who the hell would want to see another remake, never mind direct one?

    And you must be joking about Beyonce’s acting right? Do you not remember Foxy Cleopatra in Austin Powers: Goldmember? (she typed sarcastically)

  14. racism is alive and well in america…people on line r so jealous and filled with hate..why dont yall just go and hang yourselves….it’s just a movie geezzz

    I LOVE THE GHETTO….strom go back to your plantation circa 1660

  15. Actually its the enablers who are thriving…they want to keep the blacks dumb and on welfare and in the ghetto which asians and hispanics run circles around them.

    Ghetto Hoops for the Ghetto Girls!

  16. Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato says:

    There are so many other singers out there to play the part and… Clint dear could you use another singer for that part..A Star is Born should be done by a person who is new and breaking into acting and singing and for that reason alone..That person would be more grateful and appreciate it more? Good luck with finding the right woman.

  17. Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato says:

    I am Happy Beyonce is having a Baby and it is about time…I thought it would never happen? Jay-z always wanted children and they have enough money to raise them and take care of them for the rest of there lives but Christian Bale is very Sexy and to make a match for him would be amazing.

  18. Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato says:

    I know any woman off american idol would be good to look at and just think about all the money you would save and that way you could meet the Budget better and…Yes I remember that movie? But could you just open your Heart and turn another Direction and stop putting it off and go with some one who is down on there Luck and give them a shot at it and it is not Boyonce needs another million to go with Millions of dollars this woman gross yearly any way and it is your life and I am not trying to tell you what to do.

  19. rEAD about Jay Z mistress who strangely died?

    Beyonce = Big head ghetto girl with no actress talent!

  20. Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato says:

    This woman is making millions of Dollars and who ever you are…I Don’t think you can do her job…I like her music and when she cover Etta james music she is incredible and yes the world is putting down people that are making more money in one year…Then we will see in are life time! They have to be doing something right?

  21. Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato says:

    What ever she is doing with her life makes her millions and Dream Girl and The other movies she sang her ass off… Any one in there right mind wish they can bring home a pay check like hers.

  22. Clint dear could you use another singer for that part..A Star is Born should be done by a person who is new and breaking into acting and singing and for that reason alone.

    are you a singer too? that is cool

  23. Nicky, are you sitting at the next terminal over from Casonia in the prison library?

  24. Yes Muffin, I agree with you. Christian is second on ‘my list’, right after Keanu Reeves – I can imagine rough angry sex with him, it would be great. LOL.

  25. I do agree on Etta James who never got rich on her womderful voice but Bey is all forehead….a wannabe white girl look, and the class of a ghetto hoopster with NO acting talent!

    CSL and the Nickster should both relocate to Tulsa.

  26. Clint has made all kinds of excellent movies; why he is involved in rehashing rehashed drivel is a mystery. Perhaps his mind/judgement is failing him.

  27. Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen pass winners should have rocked the Hell out of the show..Ben looked very sexy and in wonderful shape..He slim down? Tennile was talking about body bags and Trevor Bragged on being Relaxed and Calm and sweet little Jilli says:

    I am happy for Beyonce in so many ways and it is about time she got pregnant and Clint will find away around this thing. Only time will tell?

  28. Casonia..Alway look Chef Gordon in the eye and say what you have to say and never ever call him out of his name! Listen and learn all of his food and learn all of his food and prepare it the way he would make it himself! Do it just like him.. says:

    Happy for you Beyonce and glad your having a baby with your man! Take care and have a wonderful day..Good luck with your movie.

  29. Patrick and nicky….In regard to your one-liners. ROTFLMAO !!!!!!! This truly got me LOL.

  30. Casonia.. Hells kitchen is a show that makes you think? People are never treated that way in real life and chef is hard to please and his food and his way or the highway. Fear of screwing up will keep any one on there toes and Ramsay off your ass. says:


  31. Casonia.. Hells kitchen is a show that makes you think? People are never treated that way in real life and chef is hard to please and his food and his way or the highway. Fear of screwing up will keep any one on there toes and Ramsay off your ass. says:


  32. Casonia.. Hells kitchen is a show that makes you think? People are never treated that way in real life and chef is hard to please and his food and his way or the highway. Fear of screwing up will keep any one on there toes and Ramsay off your ass. says:


  33. Was Casonia Kicked off janetcharltonshollywood for talking about Chef Gordon Ramsay? says:


  34. Big forehead Beyonce should not be doing any acting because she cant even put two lines together without some street ghetto talk,,,,she is very uneducated and like Whitney Houston not the role model young BLACK women need. NBA wives is a terrible role model show for BLACK women….they need to work and not just try to bend over and cash in!

  35. Any more news on this? Is Bale the costar in Clint Eastwood’s A Star is Born or not?

  36. Hopefully the whole idea is canned.

    Big forehead Beyonce should not be doing any acting because she cant even put two lines together without some street ghetto talk,,,,she is very uneducated and like Whitney Houston not the role model young BLACK women need. NBA wives is a terrible role model show for BLACK women….they need to work and not just try to bend over and cash in!

  37. I am ignoring the stupidity that is Strom…your feelings are not fact.

    Janet–is Christian Bale the costar for A Star is born or not? You are the only blog that says that it is confirmed,so please answer. Sounds like great casting to me!

  38. This actors are incredible and rich and smart and truely have something other people don’t have and that is pride and guts.

  39. This actors and actress out here have people all over the world paying attention to what there craft is and they are Beautiful and Handsome and really attractive!

  40. She looks incredible after having her baby and Christian Bale is an out standing actor a jack of all trades and matter of fact a Hero Actor indeed.

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