We’ve finally zeroed in on what makes Johnny Depp so incredibly HOT – besides his obvious good looks. It’s his ability to accessorize without looking like he’s trying too hard. He always had a knack for unique embellishment – hats and glasses were his thing for awhile. But since he moved to France he’s cut loose and added a proliferation of jewelry, chains and scarves. He doesn’t sport designer labels – in fact everything looks beat up and distressed and accumulated “by chance.” Note the wallet chains, the monacle around his neck and the artfully twisted scarf. This is a man who wouldn’t be caught dead in ironed jeans.
Fashion Johnny Depp
He’s was born with style. He doesn’t need a chupacabra to tell him what to wear.
He looks relaxed and handsome, and just a cool man.
Just plain gorgeous! Sigh….
Johnny Depp is so gorgeous it makes my heart hurt! What’s not to like?!
the smell alone from that dork could knock ya over.at his age dressing like that just makes him look foolish,not cool
He’s looks a little foolish clothed, but undress him and I’d bang him like a jackhammer.
Looks too thought out, too put together. No I think he’s ugly and overrated as an actor, those Pirate movies are unwatchable, expensive dreck!
and he ends up wiff an ugly woman– wtf?
he is definitely not bad looking but those clothes are hideous, isnt he almost 50, he should not be wearing those rags.
Depp was born on 6/9/63, but looks ten yrs. younger. Not every pap pic is perfect. Would you rather dress him a la “Two and a Half Men”? I think not.
He’s talented, nice man., a good father, humane, well loved and popular, rich and handsome.. who cares beyond that on his private life and minute detail of accessories.
What a man….(sigh)
What a man….(sigh)
Another deluded, homely, affected, no-talent actor who rose to fame on hype and an American public who wouldn’t know good art if it hit them on their collective noses!
d e l i c i o u s. . . .
fabulous talent! fabulous style! fabulous heart!
fabulous talent! fabulous style! fabulous heart!