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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We had a tumultuous 3 day photo and film shoot (commercials? Instagram?) at my house today for a tasty new product, Agua de Kefir (available at Trader Joe’s) described as “cultured hydration.” Lots of tall gorgeous models of both sexes clad in colorful retro but skimpy pool attire – hotpants and halter tops. They were partying in every corner of the house. This real-life couple stood out in the crowd: Devyn Winkler and Kaleb Ohlemacher are both models and aspiring actors. We happen to think Kaleb would be THE PERFECT CHOICE to cast as Luigi Mangione in his life story. (Luigi would be flattered) And it would be nice to see his beautiful girlfriend Devyn get a role in the film also. Above, they posed with my dog Romeo

Photo: Steve Mastro

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