Photo Credit: Splash News
What a great idea! Someone with a sense of humor in South Africa has opened the first luxury Airstream trailer park – on the ROOF of the Grand Daddy Hotel in Capetown. Seven vintage Airstream trailers occupy the roof with a view, and they are all lavishly decorated with different themes. The vehicles are all situated around a rooftop bar. Each four star trailer has all the frills – air conditioning, full bathrooms, and flat screen satellite TV’s. The rates vary from $100 and up per night, depending on the season.
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for numerous american celebs this is their only home today, folks!!
(live big………FALL DEEP)
How very American…
Why is the bedside table not on the end where the pillows are?
We had one of these in our backyard when I was little. Us three kids played in it. My parents lived in it while my dad built our house. Then us kids got it for a playhouse. I’ve loved them ever since. I’d love to have one now to go camping in. They sure are cool!
Reta: You are one lucky duck to have these wonderful memories. You are blessed….guess you are aware of that. Wish I could have had something fun like that.
I don’t know? It would be fun for the rigtht person and if they want this rather then a Hotel and have some fun and jump around and have some privacy and it is really up to the person that wants this but for me…I Would have to say No…Looks too small to me.