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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Ryan Philippe is officially back in circulation. – in a small way. He showed up at Winston’s with his longtime buddy and partner in crime, Breckin Meyer, and around eight other friends. According to a witness, none of the girls seemed to be with Ryan. Ryan ordered bottles for the table, and the group enjoyed a festive evening but “Ryan seemed oblivious to the fact that every woman in the bar was acutely aware of his presence. He really looked GORGEOUS.” He was the target of many flirty glances. In spite of opportunity lurking all around him, Ryan stuck with his friends and they all left together.

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  1. Anonymous

    Nothing attractive about a guy who cheats!!! Dirt bag!

  2. Anonymous

    Reece is adorable, and he’s an idiot. Lousy husband and bad father (for breaking up the family). Won’t be buying any tickets to his movies.

  3. Atia

    He may be cute but I wouldnt touch him with a ten ft pole. He screwed around on Reese, so what’s to prevent him from screwing around on me?
    Janet, I think I will pass….

  4. Kirsten Storm

    I find him to be average looking with a frat boy smirk. There are so many better looking guys in Hollywood….he’ll in my home town. Am I the only one who feels like he throws off a gay vibe?

  5. Anonymous

    He’s a little short for my taste. Who knows if he cheated? It was a rumor. Maybe he was having fun with the guys and doesn’t want to hook up with any skanks.

  6. Reeces jay leno Jaw

    Hes too good looking for dumpy reece and her ugly jaw.she dyed her ugly hair brown and won an oscar,whoopie,shes still an ugly mutt and will NEVER do better than ryans fine blond azz.

  7. yaya

    I’m not surprised. he’s very good looking! hello!

  8. cojones

    big deal. for one night out he behaved himself ?? reece dumped him because he cheated on her. i did like his acting in crash.
    I think he would be a whole lot sexier if he had the cojones (balls) to make his wife and kids come first.

  9. Anonymous

    he looks like a little boy doll

  10. Anonymous


  11. Reece Knows

    he’s a cheat.

  12. kaleman

    Ryan’s such a good actor. His performance in “Crash” made that awful movie watchable.He can play any role with conviction and intensity. He’ll be up for an Oscar like Wahlberg in the future. Betcha!

  13. hiphopanonnymous

    he didn’t pay any attention to the girls cause he’s more interested in guys

  14. Paris

    Who is he??

  15. Anonymous

    He is average looking. Should have stuck with his wife.

  16. Anonymous

    i can’t believe the comments posted here.
    dude is very regular looking and short!
    he is not THAT fucking hot!

  17. Anonymous

    He should of behaved like that when he was married

  18. Heklinka

    Oh hes so cute.Can I take a number or get in line for this man? Hes a goodlooking man and a good father,Oh I wish I wish I wish he was mine.

  19. Hollerin Helen

    Right on Miz Oh Sure.I gots Hips Thighs and dont discriminate against pies.And Ryan is also a sweet dish best served up hot.

  20. Tiffany New York

    I think he is so good looking,I wonder if he has love for New York.He can get IN my house.

  21. Miz Oh Sure

    I wonder if he only goes for skinny gals.This big girl would love to get cozy with sweet that he stayed with his pals and did”nt go home with one of those coked out hollywood lightweight gals.

  22. Red Lobster Lady

    Ryan is man candy and this here lady has a sweet tooth.GIVE ME THAT!

  23. Chad Brad

    Oh I wish this picture was in scratch n sniff he is SMOKING.Lord my loins from looking at him.Someone hand me a towel cause Im wet.

  24. T.R.

    He seems like such a good guy.Not out running with the lindsays and paris skanks,but taking his kids to school etc.Reece really is a dunce for letting this guy go.I hope he finds true love soon.

  25. Jackie Harris

    wow he really is a hottie.I wanna go on a date with him.If I saw him out id have to at least say

  26. Linda B.

    oh this man is like a giant vanilla milkshake, I just wanna slurp him down.Yummy!!

  27. Bev

    Oh Hedda I agree. Hes so goodlooking I just found myself licking my computer screen,oh im getting all warm,scuse me while i take a break with my thoughts of ryan,lol.

  28. Hedda Bopper

    Oh This man is too BEAUTIFUL.why he married ol pumpkin face I will never know.He can park his shoes under my bed any day of the week.But leave the brats with Jackojaw……Oh No!

  29. Hedda Bopper

    Oh This man is too BEAUTIFUL.why he married ol pumpkin face I will never know.He can park his shoes under my bed any day of the week.But leave the brats with Jackojaw……Oh No!

  30. Hedda Bopper

    Oh This man is too BEAUTIFUL.why he married ol pumpkin face I will never know.He can park his shoes under my bed any day of the week.But leave the brats with Jackojaw……Oh No!