Sorry to say this, because I’ve been a fan of Robert De Niro’s acting since Mean Streets, but as a person, he turned out to be a big disappointment. In 2017, he railed against the The New York Post for writing that he was heard complaining to his then-wife Grace about her extravagant spending. He told her “I wouldn’t have to keep making these sh—-y movies if you didn’t spend all my money!” His publicist Stan Rosenfeld swore that it never happened. Last week De Niro’s divorce attorney made exactly the same claim in court – that De Niro was overworked trying to pay for Grace’s thirst for Stella McCartney. I had a similar experience with the not-so-honest not-so-nice actor. Back in the 90’s my source -an employee at a posh NY hotel – was laughing when he called to report that De Niro had made a “Don’t you know who I AM?” scene late that night in the lobby, trying to access the room of a woman staying there. He was told by the hotel manager the room occupant would have to come to the lobby and get him. Hotel rules. An attractive back female celebrity came to the lobby in her robe to retrieve the sputtering and furious actor. When the gossip item came out in Star Magazine, De Niro had his people call my editor and try to get me fired – he claimed the story was NOT true- and he called the hotel to gripe about the “leak,” hoping to get someone fired. My source and I were both scared. A few weeks later I was at an event and the woman De Niro visited at that hotel came up and told me the story was absolutely true and SHE thought it was funny.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Secret Girl Working at a Gaybar
He was always with women of taste ,spendy and maybe bi.. i worked in W hollywood where he would come to gaybar with his lovers..
Hateful person. Something seems seriously wrong with DeNiro. Like Jim Carey, another person who seems seriously disturbed.
Get some help!
Wonky McFarlane
Admittedly not nice to try to deny what is true or to try to get people in trouble because of it (though it would be a nicer world if we didn’t report embarrassing but unimportant things about others. 8th commandment and all, you know).
Hilarious about the argument with the wife. So glad my wife remains frugal, the only problem in my house is me!
Anthony “Gaspipe” Casso
Janet, Bobby is a made man. Show some respect darling.
Light Brigade
Bob is a 100% certified gigantic ass. I hope he has to work til he drops dead.