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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We pity Carlos Leon’s girlfriends when Lourdes is around. Daughters are notoriously critical of their father’s female companions and we’re guessing Lourdes is outspoken like her mother Madonna. The three of them seem reasonably friendly in this photo taken in Soho. Gum chomping Lourdes seems to be possessive of her father and positions herself between the twosome.

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  1. steve


  2. Agent Ego

    Lourdes already is kicking ass and taking numbers check the body launguage she’s using her dad as a security guard. Yes no woman has a chance with him when she’s around.

    Also the little lady speaks several lanuagues is world traveled and is heiress to a great fortune. Something tells me she will turn out okay, as far as celeb spawn are concerned.

  3. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Biscuit nailed it.

  4. dandy lion

    If the girlfriend was naked, she’d get lost in a snow storm.

    Lourdes will have to have extra strength and super ability to think for herself to come out of all she has seen her mother say and do. The early years of the brain soak up these things.

  5. biscuit

    All three sad and pitiful.

    1) The anemic ghostly looking girlfriend (flavor of the month).

    2) Lourdes living around her skank mom and being subject to Kabbalah, above all other filth she has been exposed to.

    3) Carlos Leon, always looking confused, somewhat scruffy and wondering ‘wha happened’.

  6. Noble Cascade

    I was in a marriage with a step daughter just like that….I eventually gave up and left.

  7. captain america

    I’m not surprised if this kid conciders a suicide-attempt one of these day’swith such a dad, folks!!