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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Talk about sore losers. Spike Lee wasn’t so lovable on Oscar night – he revealed a surprisingly inflated ego and bad sportsmanship. Spike won his first Oscar this year for Best Adapted Screenplay for BlackKkKlansman. (He shared the award with three other male writers.) He started his accepted speech with profanity and indicated to producers that he didn’t intend to stick to the 90 second speech limit given to winners. He proceeded to read a two page letter about history and his own story. But that wasn’t enough. Spike appeared deliriously happy backstage and posed with Best Supporting Actor Mahershala Ali. (above) Everything was fine UNTIL Green Book was announced as Best Film. Spike stood up and stormed out of the Dolby theater, muttering and waving his hands in disgust. Unbelievable. We happened to love Green Book and couldn’t be happier.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Bill P

    I always thought somebody got an Oscar for their ability to act. And not necessarily for cranking out a movie. As don’t the Screenwriters have an award to sit on their mantle and collect dust.

    If this is the case, Oscars don’t have much of a real true meaning any more?
    As like who’s gonna get the Oscar for the best cooking show of the year? Or who at QVC is going to get the Oscar this year ?

    They movie industry really needs update their categories… As imagine, watching the Oscars all week long… For best actor, director for 35mm film, director for vinyl video, director for digital media.

    Laugh, as who watches this crap on mainstream America TV ?

  2. Dee

    Borg Queen….While you observe that jails are full of black youth, it probably is because they commit the greatest percentage of crimes. You have two strong parents, any black youth do not. See the connection? When black parents take responsibility for their children then things will turn around. Until then you can blame prison guards,or anyone else you want. the truth is if a child is going to make it, he needs a good loving family who value education and demand that their children act in a respectful and civilized manner. Absent that, the kids don’t have a chance unless they are born with a will to become successful.You call this judging? I don’t. I call it the uncomfortable truth. Victimhood doesn’t help anyone, and it perpetrates the myth that a black person can’t get ahead. As far as paying for college, you’re kidding right? Black youth have a much easier road for scholarships that white kids based solely on the color of their skin.

  3. Borg Queen

  4. Borg Queen

    Dear Dee & Beachy: Slavery is over but the effects of it is still prevalent today. In poorer communities, where jobs are unavailable, a for-profit prison system looking to fill its rafters and a criminal judicial system where a 14 yr old teenager can spend 20 yrs for possession of cannabis is not fair. Just those 3 factor contribute to the family unit being broken up and recidivism. Not everyone starts off in the same place (with education or resources). I, as a college educated daughter of a black doctor and black nurse, had to speak to poor people to really understand their plight. I was lucky to have parents that could pay for my college and grad school education but many people don’t have that access. So with little education and no money, how does one find a job when people don’t want to hire uneducated people. This lead to an adult working minimum paying jobs at a fast food restaurant. Thank goodness in NY, the minimum wage is $15. I couldn’t imagine trying to support a family of 4 on $15 an hour. Before you judge people, try thinking about their situation from their shoes. I volunteer at legal clinic providing guidance to low-income tenants. One woman was making 180k, she got sick used up all of her savings, cashed out 401k, got laid off and eventually evicted. This woman has 2 master degree. Race had nothing to do with her financial dilemma. God forbid, we give everyone good healthcare so they can get preventative care. We need more compassion in this world and not the knee jerk prejudice.

  5. Beachy

    Dee…you nailed it!!

  6. Dee

    Somebody needs to tell the little fugly man that the civil war has been over for 155 years and the Civil Rights Act was passed 56 years ago. Let go of the race card, the eternal victimhood, and the glorification of gangs, jail culture and mysoginistic rappers. Young black babies deserve and need strong fathers. That’s where the problem is.You can blame racism all you want, little man, but you need to hold up a mirror to your own community.

  7. shane


    you are too old for this. Boring and white. Are you friends with ellen?

  8. Mama

    Spike Lee acted like a spoiled toddler. He should have been given a time-out.

  9. Susan Saperstein

    Lee always complains about racism, yet he is virulenty anti-semitic and has often made Jews out to be ugly stereotypes in his movies. What a colossal hypocrite and bigot he is – not to mention a mean spirited, very poor loser and a mediocre-at-best writer and director.

  10. Nancy Kliger

    Lee always complains about racism, yet he is virulenty anti-semitic and has often made Jews out to be ugly stereotypes in his movies. What a colossal hypocrite and bigot he is – not to mention a mean spirited, very poor loser and a mediocre-at-best writer and director.

  11. hollywood

    Spike’s movies suck. He’s a big nothing and the only reason he gets nominated for anything is because he’s black and they’re afraid of him.

  12. Cheerio

    Spike is trash, he’s clearly got short man/big mouth syndrome.

    I saw both movies and green book was just executed better, regardless of white savior syndrome. Even, Will You Ever Forgive Me was better than Blackkklansman. Black was missing that one element that makes it an excellent movie. It had a dumb ending. But aside from all that, I hope spike is never awarded anything ever again, he’s an arrogant SOB.

  13. beachy

    Nobody “deserves” to win because of skin color. He behaved horribly and showed himself as the ass he is.

  14. Rae

    I was also disappointed in Spike Lee’s acceptance speech. He was very rude when he didn’t let the other writers/winner speak. And his behavior when “Green Book” won shows that he’s an immature baby.

  15. imissmymom

    Janet, OF COURSE you loved “Green Book”. You’re white. It reinforces your savior race complex.

  16. Gemma

    He deserves the award for chronicling the black struggle in America .