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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The LA Times just gave Jerry Lee Lewis a rave review for his weekend performance in Cerritos, and we are ASTONISHED by the fact that he’s still performing. He’s 83 now and has outlived and out-performed almost all of his 1950’s rock n’ roll contemporaries. (Little Richard is still around, but not performing) Jerry was an original Bad Boy – he married his 13 year old second cousin and two of his 8 wives died “under mysterious circumstances.” We were surprised to learn that billionaire playboy Steve Bing is Jerry’s biggest fan and has taken over his career. Jerry was mired in drugs, health problems, and IRS debts when Bing stepped in and cleaned up his life while producing his music. HE was at the Cerritos show, cheering Jerry on.

Note from Janet: Above, sometime in the 80’s I was able to visit Jerry in his dressing room after a show. He was a delightful but scary gentleman. Also in the small room were Lisa Marie Presley and Bob Dylan. Nobody realized I was a tabloid reporter.

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  1. Cardi D

    Janet was once allegedly linked to Billy Idol and Sid Vicious back in her groupie years.

  2. becca

    Remember, never click on any comment with “Celebrity.Express” in it.
    That’s a Russian malware site that will infect your computer & steal your info!

  3. Strom

    Of all the 50s rockers, no one would have guessed that Jerry Lee would have outlived them all. He doesn’t look a thing like that picture today but he is still going….if not strong!

  4. Tinker

    That’s a great photo, of you especially. He does look scary!

  5. libby

    he has 2 famous cousins jimmy swaggart and mickey gilley

    swaggart sure took a different path

  6. Kait

    Awesome shot!

  7. Cheerio

    I would’ve surmised you were a cheap hooker and certainly not a reporter.

  8. obi

    stil……….GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!

  9. Julia

    Janet’s wild groupie years should be captured in a book.