Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
For those of you who were gullible enough to BELIEVE those magazine cover stories about Brad and Angelina splitting up, here’s proof that the publications are just trying to boost circulation. As usual, Brad and Angelina have been busy with their careers and forced to spend some time apart, but they always reunite as soon as possible. These two are still very much a couple, and this weekend they treated the kids to McDonald’s in Studio City. Brad was reportedly very polite to the woman at the drive-thru window – he asked for extra ketchup.
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Brad has said in a number of interviews, including some in Berlin just last Tuesday, that they have a 3 day rule for being apart, and if they have to be apart longer than 3 days then the whole family travels together. Brad and Angie are together for the long haul. Don’t understand why their being a happy family upsets anyone. They are both good people.
Brad flew to Berlin, did his press duties, attended the premiere of his new movie IB, flew to France to check on Miraval, and then flew back to Los Angeles, staying within their three-day rule. They are lucky enough to be able to do this. Both seem to be doing all they can to make their relationship work and keep their family intact. I like that about them.
(a smile)
Not at all Captain America. WISE Americans know that tabloids lie, that is their stock in trade. This couple has been together since 2005, there is NO logical or rational explanation for their still being together other than they love each other and are happy and are both exactly where they want to be. They both have the means to walk away at any time and have not done so. BTW, those happy meals have cute little beanie babies.
The reason for possible made-up rumors about their split is DUH this: Jealousy and envy. 1/10 of 1% have their glam life-style: untold riches, mansions, travel to exotic places. Average Joe toils every day to pay bills, etc. So, if it were true that they are having trouble, it makes the average person not feel so bad about his/her boring life.
Another thing I’ve always wondered. This is pretty much a fact….Jolie’s mom begged her to marry him and she still refused to marry him. For a while, rumors were that Brad begged her to marry him, and she still refused. I think she has a screw loose.
BTW, heir buddhist religion and living together are not a recipe for entrance into heaven. They will die someday and face Judgment.
Sure. Brad has a seperate 2 bedroom apartment he sleeps at sometimes. Get your facts straight janet. They aint as happy as you think.
I couldn’t care less about Angie! She broke up a marraige and buys children wherever she goes. Brad smokes and drinks (not very responsible parenting) and always seems to be SOMEWHERE else. I’ll never watch another movie with either of them, plus Angie can’t ACT anyway!!
These two sinful fornicators have done more and traveled more than 50 other ordinary people can manage in a lifetime: Adopted 3 kids, she dropped one (Shiloh) plus twins. Movies made all over the world, her UNICEF work, both making movies, several mansions to oversee, kids in pre-school, school, on and on. One thing remains a fact, put out by the American Medical Association. And that is: extreme airplane travel causes changes in blood clots, blood pressure, not to mention always the chance of a plane crash. Their money will not keep them from tragedy.
They both must have super-human strength. One week they are in Cannes, the next in Berlin for a movie premiere, the next they are in their NEW Orleans mansion, the next they are in …yada yada yada. This could drive anyone crazy, especially the kids. Every time I see a pic of them, at least 2 or 3 are holding a bag of Cheetos. When will it all end….OR, when will the real truth come out, especially the ‘Rumor’ that Brad and Jennifer have had 3 or 4 secret meetings, sworn to by a limo-driver and taxi cab driver. IF this is true, (which has appeared in many mags), then their heavenly bliss is not what it appears to be. Brad and Angie both get bored easily. It is gonna take pics of someone getting caught to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I guess big big big bucks can buy some form of happiness.
This story is FACT: When Brad broke up with Gwyneth, and Jennifer entered the picture, the following happened. Jennifer’s fave food is Mexican. She was so jealous and insecure about Gwyneth still being in the picture that she paid 100’s of dollar$ for a Mexican restaurant to stay open 3 more hours just for her and about 10 or 12 girlfriends. She wanted to cry on their shoulder and for them to prop up her ego that Brad was indeed done with Gwyneth and in love with her. Pics of her and her friends at the late nite in a Mexican restaurant was sold to one of the mags by the waiters. It was all about her insecurity regarding Brad and ALWAYS if she is prettier than Gwyneth or any of his other conquests. Oh, inhabitants of GollyWeird, thou art so vain and shallow.
I know the above is a tad off-subject, but thought it was interesting.
Jen knew from day 1 that Brad did not love her as he had loved GP. She had her agent set her up on a blind date with Brad at a hotel and then she bragged on David Letterman how they had slept together that nite and she moved him in her home in the LA bird streets 2 days later after she broke up with TateD. Jen was Brad’s rebound girl after GP broke his heart, she always knew that truth. Jen also knew Brad was falling in love with Angelina because he told her so and also how much he admired Angelina as a great mother for her son. Jen as usual ignored him. She knew how faithful Brad was. She also did not want kids. Notice Jen has never dated any guy who had kids. Well Brad was in deep love for real, they split, and he went after Angelina like greased lightening. And the rest as they say is history. Brad and Angelina now have six kids and are never apart more than 3 days. Brad was never devoted to Jen like he is to Angelina. Can’t believe that here in 2009 some people are still in denial about the truth. Rebound girls are never the love of anyone’s life.
Something about these two really brings out the Brangeloonies, that’s all I can say. None of us know a thing about them, but everybody is an expert. They are not good people, evidenced by all the adultery. Their vows meant nothing to them. Kids need a more stable upbringing than theirs are getting.
people will claim these two are breaking up, until finally one day they do, and everyone will then say ‘SEEEEE, I TOLD YOU!’…gimme a break, let them live their lives with their kids…
Again, pictures are needed.
I wonder if Angie has dabbled in lesbianism lately. She has said herself many times that, suddenly, she is instantly attracted to a female, and without warning. Many times she has said she is a free spirit. If Brad takes off on his Harley once too many times, she will flat do what she wants to. Her father, Jon Voight, testified that she has a screw loose and has mental problems. Since Brad is nuts, too, I guess they deserve each other. (Sometimes a love affair is ‘too hot not to cool down’).
Jon Voight has a screw loose, too, and is always talking to the tabloids to try to manipulate her. Not that I don’t read the tabloids, but I’m glad he’s not my dad!