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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This photo stopped us in our tracks because it seems so abnormal. John Legend is currently working on Jesus Christ Superstar in New York and pregnant Chrissy Teigen and their daughter Luna are keeping him company on a break. They took Luna to a small city park where THEY SAT ON THE CONCRETE SIDEWALK and watched Luna on the swing. Who does that? In NEW YORK! And Chrissy is wearing thin tights. What’s wrong with this picture?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Edie on Sunset

    They are just posed for the media. Forget swinging the little child.


  2. Sari

    For starters, these two are imbeciles.

  3. SouthernGirl

    God she is thirsty!

  4. Kait

    Posed PR stunt.

  5. It's Me, again

    She has the oddest Asian posture I have ever seen. No wonder she won’t ever shut up. She’s like that little blabber mouth Asian on orange is the new black.

  6. Paloma Sirieda

    She will do anything to be seen

  7. producer

    what’s the loss anyway?