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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Parents at the Shaolin American Self Defense Academy in North Hollywood were QUITE SURPRISED when Angelina Jolie showed up during a recent karate class. Angelina and Brad’s daughter (not the one you think!) but Vivienne, 9, was a student in the class. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Angelina carefully observed all of Vivienne’s moves like a doting mom, and afterward, passed out decorated cookies to the other kids and parents.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. It's Me, again

    These kids look trashy and why is the kid fatter than Angie?

  2. Piffle

    judgingby her daugthers atire I will assume it’s hot day, so why is Angie in leather pants, boots and a thick wool coat? That’s the kind of thing a junkie wears to hide the needle tracks.

  3. brake

    so dont with her, nor her kids.

  4. sheila

    please … no children on blogs