Kate Jackson looked fine at Farrah’s funeral a few weeks ago, but Globe and Star had a disturbing story about Kate this past week. A guy who works for a professional cleaning company claims Kate is a reclusive hoarder, living in a filthy house filled with junk and garbage and claims he found her “living in squalor.” The guy said her assistant hired the company to clean up the house June 17, after her Santa Monica neighbors complained the house and yard were in shambles. His company hauled out dozens of boxes of trash. He also said Kate wasn’t in great shape – she looked unhealthy and “out of it.” After two days of cleaning and dumping, the guy said he felt most sorry for Kate’s 13 year old son Taylor, who had to live in the mess.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thomas Falater
I think they’re exaggerating a bit here. I live in Santa Monica and know her house, it looks ok from what I can see. And I’ve seen Kate out shopping and she looked ok. Thomas Falater
This a form of mental illness. Severe depression, anxiety attacks and mood swings usually account for (and consistantly accompany) this type of regressive behavior. I went through something similar to this years ago, and it is hell. I didn’t hoard, but lost the desire – and then ability, to properly take care of myself. One MUST seek professional help, or get help through their church’s counseling services. It will change your life! I hope she will be well, soon.
“Dude looks like an Italian fag…”
now, what’s wrong with this comment..? ever hear of discrimination, there pal?
Yeah, I feel bad for her and especially her kid.
They could use a visit from this English show I used to watch called “Life Laundry” (wish I could find the eps on dvd, or better yet see more episodes)
In each episode, the host comes to a person’s house and, yes, helps them clean, but also (as a sideline; unfortunately it didn’t seem to be a part of the show formula, but the host tried to make sure to do it) the host would try to help with the *cause* of the problem (because otherwise it will just add up again).
Often, when people undergo a sudden unexpected negative change (like divorce or death of a loved one or loss of a job), they stop “processing” their life, and this shows up in the accumulation of stuff around them.
One of the great things about the show is that people generally contacted it when they were ready to change; and the way the show decorated and cleaned the apts/houses after having helped them clean out their stuff, truly gave many people the chance for a new beginning. It was a very uplifting show, and I loved it. We could really use a show (or service) like that.
The Dudette
This is an OC type of disease; I have a very wealthy cousin that collects paper. This person’s house is a mess, a scary mess.
One has to think that Kate has some sort of mental illness and needs professional care. Did she get any???
My heart goes out to her and her kid.
Dude looks like an Italian fag. Kate has a look of dementia.
The Globe says there were drug paraphernalia and a baggy of pills. The house cost $2 mil. so she can get help, if she wants it. I hope she does.
captain america
JESUS CHRIST……….this is sad!!!!
Bettye Bluejay
The three-way mirror must be hidden in the trash, and, who’s that goofball in the 3-D glasses?
That is disturbing. I read stories similar to that in which the people are diagnosed as having obsessive compulsive disorder.
If this is true, couldn’t someone close to her, say the boy’s dad, or someone related to them get her some serious help? It’s usually a mental illness issue.
usually a sign of mental illness or depression.
And so it goes
She has had a hard life, regarding men and health. Maybe she has just basically given up on life, but that doesn’t sound right since she has Taylor. Or maybe she has some brain chemical imbalance. The Star magazine has a detailed story of her filthy house. ……JANET…..do you have any info on Angie and Brad…are they split or what?
B. Bobby
She still looks good enough. Who is screwing Kate these days?
Jill Munroe
May God bless Sabrina Duncan.