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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It may LOOK like we’re picking on Celine Dion, but in fact no other celebrities have been able to steal her Worst Dressed title for the past few weeks. She’s still in Paris, and last week Celine was photographed wearing some nice clothes for a magazine and she looked very attractive. But apparently that Canadian stylist has gotten a grip on her again and she appeared in this weird get-up. None of the separate pieces are horrible, but taken TOGETHER, they are over the top and creepy. (and ill-fitting!) The purpose of dressing up should be to look pretty and interesting – this look fails on both counts.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. morekissespls

    Is she ill? She doesn’t look healthy.

  2. morekissespls

    Love her……the outfit kinda stinks.

    Wish she would come out of the closet once and for all……..if rumors are to be believed.

  3. jane dough

    i feel simply awful being so mean but it must be said…..she looks like shit. the vogue (i think) pictures she consented to have taken IF she was treated like a MODEL were horrendous.

    the suit was very nice but she so failed. it’s half clothes and the rest HER FACE. if her family has any pictures of her in their homse they have hung themselves.

    stop celine. our eyes can’t take ti no mo

  4. shaygirl

    I think she has lost her mind!

  5. Diva

    Celine needs to develop some fear…

  6. AM

    Her stylist is Law Roach, who also styles Zendaya. He is not Canadian. A quick google search would tell you that. Read the article about him and Celine in Vanity Fair. He also says this….“Céline has no fear. And when you have that type of energy, you have this attitude that we can do whatever we want and we don’t care who likes it or dislikes it. Fashion is supposed to be polarizing. It has to be overwhelming.”

  7. limpy

    lock him up, it MUST be a F@ggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    OK, last entry. Promise.

    While I get that she’s trying to bring a unique Pimp-Before-Labor-Day kind of realness and street-style to traditional Paris, heaven help her esteem if she turns around quickly, for she will see:

    People in tears, doubling over;
    people high-fiving each other; cars running into light poles; and dogs (French Poodles?) doing double-takes.

    There. Now I need to retire for prayer and contemplation.

  9. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Also, we hate to even mention this, but what is happening to her face in this picture?

    She is either wearing prosthetics (to be incognito?!), or channeling Woody Allen in her middle-age.

  10. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    And WHERE is she even buying this stuff?!

    We have a feeling that this is another creation conceived by Celine’s favorite cousin, Marie-Josette, and run up on her Singer sewing machine back in Montreal.

    What is French for YIKES?

  11. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid


    No words. We had such high hopes for her.

    (And we think that photog is tactfully fiddling with her camera, so as not to break out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.)