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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Mary Kay Letourneau, 47, and her husband Vili Fualaau, 25, (AKA DJ Headline) drew quite a curious crowd to the Seattle sports bar that held “Hot for Teacher” night. He played the music and she flitted from table to table. After all those years in jail for child molesting, Mary Kay got out and married her victim. The Fualaaus now have two kids and it’s amazing how their age difference has melted away. She looks much younger than her years, and he’s matured a lot.

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  1. steve


  2. Strom

    At least it was not girl on girl action! Dykes get away with this most of the time. Fortunately, many but not all the fags get caught.

  3. felinefur

    the point here is not the age difference. its the fact tat she being an adult exploited a situation of relative power n that too with a child whom she was supposed to protect! just because they r married now does not justify wat she did…

  4. Bill Clinton

    You can’t rape the willing.

  5. Burt

    This irresponsible, untrustworthy female has now had 6 CHILDREN. None of whom will grow up in a normal household. She is a human wrecking ball, bouncing from one disaster to the next. Who cares if they are ‘happy’ together. Would you be so pleased if a 35 yr old man was happily having sex with your 15 year old son? There is more to life than ‘being happy’.

  6. -

    She’s aged well. he isn’t.
    but whatever.

  7. ezze

    “True, but Madonna wasn’t screwing Jesus when he was 12.

    That just looks all kind of wrong!! HAHAHAHA

  8. Brittany

    I dont care what anyone says nor the headlines from the PAST. I know these two personally and they are extremely loving, respectful people and truely love each other and their children. It’s amazing to see them everytime and still see the light in both their eyes. Leave the past as is and live for the future. She knows the mistakes she made and she did her time for it. BACK OFF.

  9. Anonymous

    True, but Madonna wasn’t screwing Jesus when he was 12.

  10. Anonymous

    As a Seattlite who had to live with this story for many years, I find Mary totally disgusting and this display obnoxious…
    However…. the age difference between Mary and Vili is ultimately a lot less than the age difference between Madonna and the child she has following her around these days….
    …Which is probably why, in part, I find Madonna and Mary equally disgusting and obnoxious. But I find Madonna even more embarrassing. At least Mary can claim mental illness.

  11. Anonymous

    She’ll be menapausal shortly and then poor Vili will have to deal with that train wreck (coupled with ~what is it? Mary Kay’s Bi-Polar~ disorder?).

  12. Anonymous

    Bottom feeder meets her slug mate

  13. Anonymous

    “Hell” is having your mother abandon you and your siblings to screw another child in your school, and then making a profitable public spectacle of your humiliation.

  14. gerard Vandenberg

    A PUSSY is A PUSSY, folks!!

  15. Anonymous

    Why would anyone else care? She didn’t care at all about her kids from the first husband, they got to grow up without a mother

  16. Anonymous

    Hey, when you’re a woman in your 40s, you still have your looks. Just wait until she gets to be about 51, big face landslide, flabby arms, etc. In four years he’ll be 29, and ready for some hot action, and not F-ing his “mother.”

  17. Anonymous

    Good for her. and good for him. They’re happy together so why would anyone else care.

  18. "envy."

    She is clearly happy with her life and with her husband, “having paid her debt to society.” Some of you have expressed great dissatisfaction, resentment, hostility, etc., over that outcome. I’ll hold the line while you look up the word

  19. Anonymous

    She’s the one who started the trend of female teachers raping those young boys, if you watch or read the news everyday you will hear about other cases around the country, it should be close to 100 cases (of the ones that have been caught) the whole thing is disgusting and these women should be locked up for 20 years, maybe then the others will learn to keep their hands to themselves. envy? 9:57 what the hell’s wrong with you???

  20. Anonymous

    Why would I envy a jailbird pedophile? I’ve been happily married to the same man for 30 years, and surprise, he wasn’t 7 years old when we started having sex. But I’m just normal that way.

  21. Mother Hen

    She no doubt learned a lot of new stuff while in jail. He no doubt learned a lot of new stuff while she was in jail. They’ve probably worn out 4 or 5 mattresses already.

  22. Red Rooster

    What a pleasure to read the comment of Anonymous at 9:57 a.m. — please come back again!

  23. Anonymous

    No matter how “young” she looks or how “mature” he has become she’s still a pedophile and he was her victim. Sickness!! If he was the adult and she the child when they were having sex, he’d still be in jail where she needs to be.

  24. Anonymous

    ***”Hell” is the wishful figment of your imagination created to inflict future revenge against those you envy.***
    ROFLMAO! Well said 🙂

  25. Anonymous

    She served her time in prison. He is now an adult. They are still together.
    Her husband denied Mary Kay access to their children (and moved them to Alaska) after her relationship with Vili was revealed.
    Her father, whom she adored, was an ultra right-wing Catholic “family-values” firebrand who was discovered to have had for years a second “wife” and children. Her mother’s political views made Phyllis Schlafly’s look progressive.
    “Hell” is the wishful figment of your imagination created to inflict future revenge against those you envy.

  26. Anonymous

    Sorry, she’s a pedophile just like MJ. What about the four kids from her first marriage that she forgot all about when she started molesting this SECOND grader. As for the comment above that they seem so happy together, I recall reading several years back that he was sick of her and cheating right and left. They’re both going to hell wearing gasoline underwear.

  27. Anonymous

    They always seem so happy to be in each other’s company.

  28. kait

    He’s gained a bunch of weight, so he looks older than his years. She’s updated her appearance, so she looks younger. Would a “mature” adult couple be hosting regular “Hot for Teacher” nights in clubs? Probably not. They’ve made an immature and dangerous decision to send a message like this out to the world.

  29. Anonymous

    She stole his childhood and innocence. She is disgusting. I wonder how the kids she abandoned feel about her…

  30. Anonymous

    She looks like his mother.

  31. Anonymous

    The fact is they are both sick & in need of therapy. Lets see how their kids turn out.