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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Jesse James really IS a bona fide character. (And not so hard to look at.) It took Celebrity Apprentice to get him mainstream attention. He said the reason he signed to do the show was because skater Scott Hamilton was doing it also. According to the Daily News, Jesse felt guilty because when he was 17 he had stolen Scott’s 1985 Porsche Targa that was parked in front of his San Diego Apartment. He always “felt bad about it.” During the show, Jesse finally had the chance to confess his crime to Scott and did so. Scott was startled, but admitted “Twenty years later, I found it FUNNY that Jesse stole my car and stripped it!”

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  1. lance m

    jesse james did NOT steal that Porsche…give me 20 minutes with scott Hamilton and I can prove it…I tried facebook and instagram no reply from jesse or scott

  2. JJ

    I agree with every thing you said abouit Jesse.

  3. Jeffrey

    Ok for all of you people disrespecting Jesse James, and having complete disrespect for he and his wife Sandra Bullock. For all of you that have commented on this post have absolutely no idea who Jesse James is. Just a little info for all of you ridiculously ignorant individuals, Jesse was a star athlete in high school and went on to play college football but after a severe knee injury he had to stop playing, soon after he became a bodyguard for Madonna, and many other socialites including bands like danzig, slayer, nwa, rob zombie. That alone was all in his early 20’s, the funny thing is (ANONYMOUS, DIANNE, MAMA SAN) he accomplished more things on his worst days then any of you have accomplished together. And also to set the record strait Jesse James started a custom motorcycle corporation in 1992 building custom choppers from the ground up, these bike sell for somewhere in the 6 figure range. He is the one who designs and fabricates everything on these bikes, they say he is the god of medal working ,making metal sing,and creating art that is a rare trade,he also is the most humble celebrity in holywood. And by the way not only is he the C.E.O of the most prestige custom motorcycle company in the world , he has had 3 television shows,as well does he have two books written about him and how talented he is. Also anonymous he has 3 kids , 1 girl in which he has complete custody of, and two others who he has joint, so no, child support is the least of his worries. His net worth is an amount that none of you pea brained shit talkers could even fathom. And for you Dianne , what was sandra thinking? I think she was thinking it was probably the wisest decision she has yet to make, a man that is completely self made and extremely successful and dominant in his line of business,Next time you stereotypical individuals wanna comment on someone maybe read about them first before you go degrading his character. So bottom line is dont judge people when you know nothing about them, Jesse James was the host of the discovery channels Monster Garage reality TV show from 2002 to 2007 one of the BIGGEST hits in that networks history. Hes been welding since he was 13 , self taught of course. It makes him feel good about himself , it reminds him of where he came from , a broken home,fistfights, hoodlum behavior, some juvenile detention time, Snickers bars for christmas presents, loser stuff, a place where hes not going back. So next time to all of you dont disrespect someone who you know nothing about . You people should start writing for facetious gossip filled tabloids , so you can rag on celebrities that are more fortunate than you because of their hard work and determination.

  4. Anonymous

    I agree with the comment about him not exploiting his wife…. I admire him, he didn’t flaunt who is wife is and call her for money for his team. He seems like a down to earth guy. I liked him on that show. I liked that he said his friends don’t have money ! I guess he married for love and not just for money !!! All tho he did have a TV show so he’s not exactly broke but I bet he pays a lot of child support…doesn’t he have like 4 or 5 kids from like 2 or 3 different marriages ??

  5. Dianne

    He’s an idiot. What the heck does Sandra see in him?

  6. MamaSan

    This may be wrong, but Sandra seemed really desperate to find a man, as her many previous lovers all flamed out. They may be a good match.

  7. Anonymous

    I second that…

  8. Anonymous

    I think Jesse James is cool and I came to respect him while he was on Celebrity Apprentice. Just because he didn’t loot his wife for money doesn’t mean he didn’t contribute anything to the teams he was on.

  9. gerard Vandenberg

    There are very little americans you can trust, folks!!

  10. Anonymous

    He’s been telling that story for a a few years, I heard him tell Leno.

  11. Anonymous

    What a douche. He wasted America’s time every week he stayed on that show. He contributed nothing. Even Sandy expected he would tap her for something so she could plug her movie. He’s an idiot.