Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Rod Stewart is looking dapper, but very short, as he leaves Cipriani in London with his towering wife Penny Lancaster. Penny and Rod have a 3 year old son named Alastair and she’s been trying for more. Did you know Rod’s other kids, Kimberly, 29, Sean, 28, and Ruby, 21, also live with him at Rod’s LA home. And Rod’s 2 kids with Rachel Hunter – Renee, 16, and Liam, 14, stay two nights a week. That’s quite a houseful of dependant children – but Penny wants more!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Badder than bad
Katie Holmes and the dwarf she married should now feel better about themselves after looking at this laughable duo, height-wise anyway.
goldfish swirling
Let’s hope the last four turn out better than the first two.
gerard Vandenberg
There is only one thing what counts for these people:
– BEING A 100 PERCENT CELEBRITY(and all what comes with the job)
Sebastian Stoker
By the time the youngest kid is out of diapers Rod will be in them.
These demonic offspring will soon be filling America’s correctional faciliies
Spoiled adult brats…he’s not doing them any favors…waste of space in above comment is sooo correct…and Penny….yeah SUCH a gold digger…more kids = more $$ for her when she bails….think she’d be with him if pumped gas for a living? Negative…. Personally, I don’t find her even remotely attrative either….One time great rockers getting old….sad they can’t just get on with it like the “regular” folks in this world. Pathetic.
Daddy pays for everything so they can remain wastes of space on earth?
Cause they have no jobs or skills?
I can’t figure out why adults in their late 20’s would still be living with dad. ????
Of course penny has been trying for more kids. (More kids)is right out of the gold-digger 101 playbook.