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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


According to a coworker on the Brothers & Sisters set, the feud between Calista Flockhart and Rachel Griffiths is still simmering. Ally McBeal star Calista considers herself to be the star of the show. Rachel figures since she’s also a movie star, she is top dog. “Calista thinks nothing of demanding that a scene full of people be reshot to feature her GOOD side instead of her bad side. And Calista is ALWAYS yakking on her cell phone- that’s frowned upon on he set.” It’s one-upmanship. To get even, “Rachel is a pain in the ass because she’s always the LAST one on the set when the director is ready to start a scene (the biggest star is traditionally last to be called) and she keeps EVERYONE waiting.” Rachel might also be a bit peeved because she’s six years YOUNGER than Calista and plays her OLDER sister.

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  1. suskabob

    I like both actresses. I think the show is sort of boring though.
    To Yo-YoMama: I also love Muriel’s Wedding!! That’s cool that you like it too, not a lot of people I know have not even heard about it.

  2. Dorian Gray

    Are there no young fresh actors and actresses in Hollywood that they keep digging up these has beens?
    Why can’t producers in Hollywood find some fresh faces?
    GET A CLUE! Hollywood!

  3. Yo-YoMama

    I loved Rachel in Muriel’s Wedding. Such a naughty slut. But damn good. That’s where I “discovered” her.

  4. Anonymous

    i love calista, who the hell is rachel what??

  5. ryan leaf

    anyone care to guess how many episodes til this show is canceled? set over under at 20 episodes

  6. Charlie

    Thanks for adding the comment about Calista not wanting to be the lead, jayp. She said exactly that in a recent interview. As for her looks? She looks healthy, happy, and the best she has in years.
    It’s a TV show folks. Actually, I think Rachel looks older than Calista, but if the role calls for Rachel to be Calista’s older sister … well, it’s called acting.

  7. jayp

    This story is BS! BOTH women (Nelson!) are extremely professional and two of the best actors on TV. Calista recently said one of the reasons she took the role is because it was an ensemble and she didn’t want to be the lead in another show. So the comment about her thinking she’s the star is ridiculous. And as for her appearance, she looks beautiful and healthy!

  8. Charlie

    My thoughts exactly. The coworker referred to is more likely a walk-on or background filler looking for his/her “15” minutes.
    I love the entire “ensemble” cast of this show and I’m thrilled that Calista’s finally back on the screen.

  9. Anonymous

    You think that’s bad – you should have seen the set of “Charmed”.

  10. darby

    Gimme a break! You’d believe it about Calista but not Rachel??? It’s nothing but a crock – and I don’t believe it about either of them. They’re both sweethearts to work with, both pros, and both very gifted actresses. Don’t know what some of you have against Calista – or WHY – but it’s really tiresome reading stupid remarks about her looks, her private life, and her weight. Ausiello from TVGuide called Calista’s comedic timing so perfect, you could set your clock by it, and referred to one of her scenes from the 3rd episode as .. “Pure. Unadulterated. Genius.”

  11. Anonymous

    I agree with Nelson.

  12. Nelson

    Rachel’s a real pro. I find it hard to believe she’s misbehaving. I can believe it about Calista, but I bet someone’s just trying to stir the pot when it comes to badmouthing Rachel.

  13. Anonymous

    Calista has hit the wall. Too much old man semen.

  14. Anonymous

    Calista has that weird waxy plastic-cheeked look now. I really miss the natural human face.

  15. Anonymous

    Just ’cause Calista is w/Harrison she thinks she’s all that

  16. Anonymous

    Such divas. Like they’re really contributing something to our society – please. Overpaid and self-absorbed. How unprofessional!

  17. Anonymous

    Rachael who??