Now that Kim Kardashian has admitted that she and Kanye West are expecting a baby, we wonder HOW this will affect her family. We can only IMAGINE the jumping-up-and-down joy her mother Kris is feeling – this baby will HUGELY increase the family’s fortune. “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” can expect a ratings boom and the opportunities for baby products and maternity items are endless. Kim’s porn past will be farther behind her as she becomes a devoted mother. Certainly Khloe, the sister who cannot get pregnant, is going to be scowling with envy. Hopefully, Kim’s young and uneducated fans will not emulate her and try to get pregnant with their boyfriends. Let’s hope the baby has Kim’s face and not Kanye’s sour puss.
Monday, December 31, 2012
@Palermo I agree with everything in your post well said.
The Kardashians are making JC big $$$$$.
or who the hell is watching The Kardashians? Just STOP!
Marketing to the dumbed down.
this girl doesn’t like animals, why is she going to like kids? This family is over the top. I would have disowned this slut if she was my daughter.
Agree with Coco, Kim is incredibly self absorbed. Her temperament will not bode well for a child. Then to top it off, Kanye as a father and Kris as a grandmother? Nanny and night nurse will be very busy.
What an embarrassment of a family! Greed and bad taste.
forrest gump
americans just talk “Wealthy”.
here too is the financial cliff!!
Kim is NOT beautiful. She is the work of plastic surgery. Her insides are even uglier. She is motivated only by money and attention.
Am I the only one who thinks this a total hoax to stage a miscarriage? If she staged her marriage why not this? KW seems gay and like a total closet case. If she really is pregnant she should do the right thing and get an abortion. People like her should not reproduce.
One big happy family Kim, her husband Kris Humphries and Kanye West all with a baby! How cute!
It all seems too far-fetched to be true. Will this really happen or will it end in a fake miscarriage? Kim is beautiful, but seems incredibly shallow, self absorbed and immature (even on her own show when she thinks she is being represented sympathetically).
A baby won’t stop her from being trash.
Christine India
2013….…..Twenty THIRTEEN..
The number 13 being notoriously unlucky, one wonders what is in store for us in the future.
One could also wonder why Kim and all the ‘K’ Klan couldn’t just pause and meditate on their way of life, and think….”What the hell am I doing”.
As Hilary said….the route they are headed does NOT involve a halo. Are they just so far down in the dirt that they are brain damaged (?) that is, totally F-d up.
Please let this be the last Kartrashian post ever. That poor child doesn’t stand a chance(unless it’s a pillow baby like Beyonce’s or she has a “tragic” miscarriage). These people are pond scum.
Hopefully in 2013, Janet will have more creative, newsworthy posts rather trying to get traffic to her site by whoring and leeching off Kim K.
I realize that this may be a TALL order but, I think you’re man enough for the job Janet.
Or should I say Tommy?
Would it it be too much to ask of Janet, to give up their sick obsession with Kim K? Enough is enough.
whoops…there are double standards.
Channing Tatum was a stripper but their are double standards for men and women.
People love him and villify her.
I believe since this slutbucket is still married that Kris Humphries will be considered the legal father. I don’t believe for two seconds that she and Kanye actually had sex, I think she got artificially inseminated. She couldn’t even keep a kitten alive so God help this poor child. If the kid has Kim’s face it will look absolutely nothing like this woman, cause she hasn’t had her face in years.
Oh god! Will it ever end???
Dawn is totally on the money here. Even if Kim were not legally married, I doubt that Kanye would become her husband. It makes me sad to see them as role models. There’s a special place waiting for Kris Jenner, and it doesn’t involve a halo.
Strom, I am going to let you finish but: Pamela Anderson did a porn video with her husband and she has 2 sons.
Allegedldly, Demi moore was an escort and she has three daughters. I am sure that are many more hollywood women who were once porn stars and prostitutes but has paid to keep it a secret.
This one followed her friend Paris to become a “star.” Now she is pregnant. Who hasn’t done anything young and dumb? I offer her congratulations, I hope she doesnt’ suffer a miscarriage and doesn’t have a collapsable belly like Beyonce.
I hate obama but he is a zebra. I am sure tom cruise “adopted” son is a zebra.
I hate obama but he is a zebra. I am sure tom cruise “adopted” son is a zebra.
I can only hope that you are wrong Janet. There is nothing to emulate with this trashy family and what the media should focus on is only the facts, that being she is still married but carrying on with another man and now expecting his child. If this country is as religious as it likes to pretend this should be enough for everyone to shun them. I feel bad for this poor kid who will be born to parents incapable of anything other than loving themselves. Sad.
Poor little child….a zebra couple who along with the Kard family is total trash!
Such an absurd and shallow couple. God help that child.