Reese Witherspoon has mastered the art of shopping alone without being constantly pestered by fans. She was seen browsing in Fred Segal in Santa Monica and she kept a thoughtful frown on her face to discourage unwanted attention. But she stopped to look at some fancy shampoo and she caught some fans staring in her direction, nudging each other and getting ready to approach her. Our source tells us she flipped open her pricey Dolce Gabbana gold Razr phone and quickly started a VERY important sounding fake conversation. When she was sure the fans had been repelled she snapped the phone shut without any goodbyes and continued shopping. We’ve been told this conversation repellant system – the “flip phone fake-out” – is a staple for Paris Hilton.

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8 thoughts on “CAN YOU TAKE A HINT?

  1. Give me a freakin’ break. She should be happy that fans care enough to approach her. Has she forgotten that’s why she is famous–because of her fans?? Hey, when you become a star that part comes with the territory. I wonder how she would feel if no one gave a hoot about her–probably upset and disappointed. Not to mention that they are quick to throw out the “don’t you know who I am?” BS when it’s to their advantage. Make up your mind people!!!

  2. Now how do we know that’s true? She’s one of the most down to earth H’wood people…maybe the phone was on vibrate, for Heaven’s sake…maybe it was a phone call….who knows? How quickly we judge….

  3. Now how do we know that’s true? She’s one of the most down to earth H’wood people…maybe the phone was on vibrate, for Heaven’s sake…maybe it was a phone call….who knows? How quickly we judge….

  4. Overrated, reported to be a bitch to underlings on the set (“What are you people doing standing around laughing?”) and has a very witch-like pointey chin.

  5. Overrated, reported to be a bitch to underlings on the set (“What are you people doing standing around laughing?”) and has a very witch-like pointey chin.

  6. Thats neato, but did she have a dog with her? I hear that everyone in LA has a little itty bitty dog with them! And that they drive big cars and drink coffee all the time! FYI, dogs are the best.
    Nooz Hounds Out!

  7. Well at least she’s smart enough to pretend to talk on it. Watch Paris next time, she just holds it to her ear. Probably because no one will take her calls or let her in their clubs.

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