We are just DYING to know who released this fake People magazine cover yesterday with Taylor Lautner coming out as gay on the cover. The “leaked” cover was dated January 7, 2012, and many people fell for it. In fact, if Taylor is straight (and we think he is) he will be denying this for years to come. The public will remember the fake cover and forget the denial. WHO would go to this much trouble to get Taylor’s goat? We figure it’s a gay person who assumes Taylor is gay also and resents his “pretending” to be straight successfully and having loads of fans. If Taylor DID come out as gay, he certainly wouldn’t have as many leading man opportunities, so it ain’t gonna happen.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Mel Zipskin
Are you people blind? Even his gayface has gayface he’s so flaming that you can see him from outer space he’s a muscle twink.
Someone asked…Jake Gynlyhallwhatshisface is Toothy Tile.
My opinion? All 3 Twilight stars are gay but I really do not care because I’m more of an ANne Rice fan. What I DO care about is how the gay community is portrayed. I think it would ROCK if the Twilight characters were gay but stayed the same – hot, passionate gay characters (like Brian in Queer As Folk)! Let’s get Hollywood out of the closet and show us some serious, hot, complicated, cool gay characters as well as the Jacks from Will & Grace (which is so overplayed…no offense)xxoo
People magazine is so grossly overpriced.
Yeah, Reta.
Big sloppy wet kisses for you.
The Hammer
Reta, much respect for you, but I have to disagree with comments about Forrest Gump, like ARYAN Strom, they have there right to speak even if people don’t like it. It really good to know if you know what I mean.
Frankly My Dear
If this was the real cover then I would buy people mag this week, but since it’s not I’ll just get my juicy gossip fix on line, the internets save me lots of money with these gossip sites. I no longer buy us weekly, people, tiger beat and all that other lame crap. I love the dirt bag threads on Jezebel dot com
I dont think People made a mistake like this. He may be a gobber in life but the disclosure in public wouldnt be dont by People I think.
Who will print the same for Hillary Clinton?
For Oprah?
For Whitney Houston?
Anyone know who Toothy Tile is supposed to be?
dark sided
Ok,the cover is fake,but Lautner IS gay.Janet is right,he will not come out of the closet anytime soon because then he will going to loose much of his teenage girl fan base.
I think he is gay however my gaydar is not 100% accurate.
Sexual identity is a personal matter for this young man as it is for everyone else.
unless the person is an outspoken homophobe,
I am against outing people against their will.
Twilight is definitely for the younger kids and so what…let them enjoy it. My daughter happens to have the set of books in hardcover. She asked for them for Christmas a couple of years ago. I see no harm in that. As far as whether this actor is gay or not, I agree that it’s none of our business.
With a few exceptions, some really good comments above. This type of “outing” angers me no end and it was obviously done by someone with a lot of time on their hands, and an axe to grind. It is simply no one’s business but his own if he is gay or not.
As for the appeal of Twilight, you really have to put yourself back in your 15 year old body. I would have gone nuts for the story and the cute boys.
It makes me think of the cover of some propaganda stating that Aniston is birthing twins. She does not want nor has she ever wanted a child, which is fine. Guess she does not say this because the speculation keeps her in the news. Wonder where she was during Christmas? Anyone know?
Christine India
Bah humbug on the “Twilight” series and all the so-called stars in it. I’ve only seen preview clips and have never seen Kristin Stewart look anything but stoned, with her mouth half-open. They ALL just got lucky breaks. Now they must realize that since they are in the spotlight, many stories will be written about them, it comes with the territory of being in the spotlight.
Are you down with the scissoring, REta?
Can I bring a date and watch?
please, please, pleeeease.
Your torturing me.
Edith's Designer Head
In the seedy gossipland of (Ted) Casablanca, isn’t “Parrish Maguire” suppose to be Mr. Taylor Lautner ??
I don’t care one way or the other if the kid is gay or not. That’s his private personal business. If he’s happy, then I’m happy.
You think this is a good fake? Look again. That picture of Taylor is from the first round of Twilight movies when he was 16. Brad and Zahara photo is about 4 years old, after Angelina first adopted her. And Carrie is ALWAYS revealing her battles with food. Again old pictures. Unless they’re dead, People rarely goes into the archives, at least not that far back.
The person who did this is an *sshole. Gay or straight Taylor is only 19 years old. Nobody’s business but his own.
If this is fake, it’s an exceptionally mean thing to do to someone. All kinds of cans of worms will be opened because of the suggestion that he’s gay. Who cares if he is or he isn’t, anyway? And I agree with Kitty; I guess you have to be a pre-teen or an unusual adult to go so ape shit over the whole Twilight thing and it’s stars.
Its true, Taylor is gay, why the big deal?
Will there be other covers on: Whitney Houston, Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Kimora Simmons?
If it is fake there will be a large law suit coming…interesting to see what PEOPLE says. He will get more questions now anyway.
You know, young people “labeled” falsely today have gone so far as to commit suicide. I don’t find “outing” someone, whether true or not, funny, cool, or cute. In fact it can and sometimes is, deadly. It’s time to stop this dark ages judging of other people’s sexuality, and quit being in everybody else’s bedroom’s without invitation. Get the hell OVER IT people. As long as there HAVE been people, (as well as most animal species,) there has been homosexuality, and there always WILL be. Grow the hell up.
Palermo, Kitty, and J-Man you all make sense. Janet PLEASE silence that moron Gerard Vandenburg who is currently masquerading as “forrest gump”!!! MIGAWD, do your regulars a service and block this blockhead who hasn’t a thing to say that isn’t offensive in some way. I wonder how he manages to even get his emails out of the asylum?
The J-Man
I agree with Palermo. I know you can fake anything nowadays but this cover is exceptionally convincing, especially the “B” stories on the right side of the cover. That portion probably came from the actual artwork.
For the life of me I can’t figure out what the silly little girls see in him or Robert Pattinson or that stupid Twilight series.
My own opinion is nobody has the right to force somebody to “come out”, it is totally their choice if they do and when they do.
I think it was a real cover and someone leaked it….Taylor’s people advised him against coming out but People had already set up the cover and then they changed their minds. There have been a lot of Blind vice items about a young male star that is just dying to come out but they wont let him.