Every year Hollywood fashion fanatics eagerly anticipate the annual fundraiser Divine Design for Project Angel Food. Stores like L.A. Eyeworks, Brooks Brothers, and manufacturers like Elizabeth & James, posh furniture stores and gift shops, donate merchandise to be sold for 50% off and more for charity. The huge sale runs for six days and each day another 10% is knocked off the prices until the discount is 90%. (We got a great chartreuse bathing suit last year.) The shopping event is preceded by a lavish dinner for celebrities and Broadway darling Kristin Chenoweth was the special entertainment for the gala. Charity notwithstanding, Chenoweth was backstage when she actually heard the clink of dishes and waiters scurrying about. A tantrum exploded. She and her agent made a huge fuss and refused to go with the show! Kristin announced that she NEVER performed if food or drinks were being served. She wanted NO distractions. Event organizers panicked and ran around cutting off the table service, annoying diners. If anyone wanted a pat of butter for their roll, they were out of luck until Kristin was finished. Fortunately Kristin’s powerful voice soon had the audience mesmerized.

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  1. Janet, post a pic of you in your chartreuse bathing suit for us. I’m sure the comments will be civilized.
    Come on…come on…be a sport.

  2. I used to like her…not so much anymore. She co-hosted a country award show this past week with Trace Adkins, and I had to turn it off…she was so annoying.

  3. my god this woma face is tighter than gay twinks virgin ass that is about to get screwed for the first time.

  4. She has the Angie vein in her forehead, it looks about to burst open any second. I find her speaking voice one of the most annoying I have ever heard, she sounds utterly demented.

  5. Too much face tightening…the hissy fit might have been the fault of the food people or someone made a mistake….she KC is just a short term blip in time.

  6. What a Bitch! I recently saw her on Craig Ferguson and she was talking about how sick she was. Flu or something. She was planning on not performing some show in NY the next evening but hadn’t told any ticket holders yet. What a Bitch! What the hell was she doing on a late night talk show if she was sick and due to perform the next night?! It seemed very Diva-ish to me.

    PS. I really enjoyed her as Danny Devito’s wife in “Deck the Halls”. They were hysterical!!

  7. I can’t stand her whiny screechy voice either and that must be part of the reason she can’t seem to catch a man. Her singing voice though is not too bad. To be so short, bordering on midget status, must be a real bitching thing to have to live with.

  8. I don’t blame Chenoweth one bit. The entertainment portion of those events is always AFTER the guests have had dinner. It isn’t like some Miami Beach condo complex dining hall.

  9. I have to agree with the J-Man. If you have entertainment, it should be after the food is served and dishes cleared. Fabulous place in southern Maine called Stone Mountain Arts. Accoustic entertainment but only after dinner is served. Then all can enjoy the music.

    Oh and Janet, I second Patrick’s motion. We want too see you in the chartreuse bathing suit!

  10. I agree with Indy, her speaking voice drives me nuts! What a lettle people bitch.

  11. Yo Diva,

    And it must be a real pain in the ass to have to buy your clothes in the pre-teen department. 🙂

  12. Wow … there’s sure is a lot of unhappy people on this blog, the hateful under class – poorly educated, unemployable, terminally single, overweight, talentless and unpleasant to look at, yup, in a word – you !

  13. No, YOU’RE just having fun Patrick….totally enjoy your wit. Indy and her many incarnations are racists who are trying their best to hide behind “being christian” …. what a joke…as if anyone can’t see who ‘they’ really are.

  14. I agree with Patrick, lets see a photo of Janet Charlton in her ‘chartreuse bathing suit’!

  15. To: Indy’s Ghost:

    Please excuse me, but I have no idea what “her many incarnations are racist” means.

    I am not a racist nor never have been. Are you referring to racism as putting down blacks and other nationalities? I have black neighbors who have mowed and edged my grass when I could not. Also two black friends at work are dear to me. You are wrong, dear Indy’s Ghost (LOL); you must be thinking of someone else.

    If you are talking about the gay issue, I am personally opposed to gay marriage, etc, because it so states in Romans, Chapter 1, about the last 14 verses.

    I have never changed my name, unlike you.

    My full name is Christine India. My middle name is India, given to me by my pap, who was one-half East Indian. I go by the nickname “Indy”.

    Are you sure you are saved, btw?

  16. Indy I used to date a beautiful girl who was one quarter east indian. She was lots of fun, a cool chick a great lay and then one day she gained a hundred pounds and grew a moustache.
    I swear to god!

  17. Patrick: LOL

    Patrick, Methinks you have had many more adventures more bizarre than this story, oui? 🙂

  18. This chick in the pic has bigger purple veins in her forehead than I’ve got in my pecker.

  19. Such a natural beauty. What is with that bulging vein on her forehead? It looks like it could blow at any time.

  20. Oh great, now every time I see Kristin Chenoweth on TV, I’ll be thinking of Patrick’s pecker.

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