No WONDER Camille Grammer has actually been seen SMILING on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this season. She was such a sad sack last season during her divorce proceedings that it looked like she might not return to the show. (Dreary depressed types don’t last long on these shows. Bravo’s Andy Cohen likes glamour and high spirits.) Camille, 42, has been concealing her new boyfriend of a few months, lawyer Dimitri Charalambopoulos, 35. He’s 6’2″, and from Dallas, but took a place in Malibu to be near her. Hopefully she’s given him a thorough background check – Camille is a hot commodity with all that Kelsey Grammer money.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Feminist dykes would kill every man in the world if they could.
Hate the game not the playa.
It takes two.
All guys are stupid Patrick as evidenced by your post.
Indy aka Christine India
What’s wrong with her face; it keeps getting thinner at the bottom.
To Stay Single.
That’s some hard core jaded you have going on there. Some women don’t know how to pick a proper mate, don’t blame the guy.
Stupid is as stupid does.
She is a bitchy woman. I guess you would have to have that kind of personality in order to deal with Grammar’s arrogant & demanding personality.
Christine India
Cam definitely has IBS, a horrible incurable disease. Kelsey has said so himself and that’s why they had to get a surrogate.
Her new lover sounds Greek and she is going to be greased out of lots of money soon; she’s basically a really ignorant bimbo. I do feel sorry for her for the disease she has.
One thing is certain: Dimitri is not from Dallas.
Stay Single
If I had her Moulah I would never marry. Marriage is nothing but heartache for women because men all turn out to be cheating pigs in the end and if you have more money then him you will end up owing him big time. Not worth it.
because of irritable bowels?
forrest gump
why do you think GREECE is bankrupt?
and yeah I would fuck and take her money. Give her some dick and do onto her what she has done onto others.
PK, I was really wondering if that was real or made up? I wonder if Kelcy Grammer like to get shat on if she was really ibc. Who would want to waste their time on that if she was truly shitting on herself. I wonder if she wore diapers and if she stunk. Who would want to eat that with those conditions without a showering her yourself to make sure.
Good for her. Grammar is a pig. This guy is way hotter than gramps grammar too!
This Bitch is gonna get burned and myself, Kelsey and millions of others can’t wait to see it all go down!!
Patrice Kessler
He’s yummy.
Hope her irritable bowel doesn’t blow an ill wind his way.