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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Entertainment Tonight producers were thrilled beyond words when host Vanessa Minnillo started dating Jessica Simpson’s exhusband Nick Lachey. The couple’s photos were plastered all over magazines and papers and it was great publicity for the show. Vanessa became a hot commodity in the celebrity world. Proximity to Nick gave her career a giant boost , just like he did for Kristin Cavallari. But there’s a downside, too. Word has leaked out that Jessica will no longer be cooperating with ET – doing interviews or whatever. Her scoops will go elsewhere.

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  1. csmfetish

    I love Jess and Im soo happy that she is moving on form Nick. She can do soo much better at finding someone that compliments her!!
    And as for that Vanessa chick, she is only with Nick to boost her carre…as soon as she make it big she will drop him.

  2. Anonymous

    So glad I won’t have to look at Jessica on ET anymore – just wish she’d take her ugly, no-talent sister and go away….oh, and her dad, too.

  3. Anonymous

    He has ugly feet (at least how they look in this photograph).

  4. Anonymous

    Jessica needs to grow up and realize SHE left him. Let him move on… and do the same yourself!

  5. Anonymous

    I hope that Jessica DOES stop appearing on ET. I hope she stops appearing on ALL entertainment shows. I can’t stand her. I am very happy for Nick and if ET discredits Vanessa in ANY WAY in support of the Simpsons then I will tune them out entirely. That show has ceased to be real anyway. They cater to the lie that is celebrity WAY too much. Their constant catering to Tom Cruise’s transparent facade is enough to make me hate them. ET used to be a great show. Now, it’s just 30 minutes of shameless sucking up to celebrities. They are supposed to REPORT on celebrity news, not help SPIN it.

  6. Devore

    Lachey has bad taste in women.
    Vanessa is only a slight improvement over his ex-wife.
    But,he can do better.

  7. Anonymous

    Does anyone seriously care about this?

  8. Anonymous

    Jessica was just on ET two nights ago.

  9. Anonymous

    What a complete load of rubbish. 1 Jessica is not going to miss out on great publicity beacuse Nick has a bit of stuff that works there 2. she has continued to appear on the show despite this! get your facts right before you post such crap!

  10. Anonymous

    Jessica is a fat worthless twat. Please let her 15 minutes be up soon.

  11. Mary

    This is so sad because Jessica obviously still is in love with Nick. When will the star learn that they are like ordinary ppl and cannot turn their feelings off and on because of what is best for their career at the moment. I predict he will have a better career than Jessica who is already sinking because he actually knows what he wants.

  12. Anonymous

    i think he is the type of guy that is old fashioned and would have stayed married to Jessica (save for her interfering father) and I think Jessica is a spoiled little brat…

  13. Anonymous

    Who the fuck cares???