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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Michael Douglas, still recovering from his first round of radiation and chemotherapy, left his New York apartment for a Doctor’s appointment today. He planned ahead: Michael had is sperm frozen before he had his treatments in case his wife Catherine wants another baby. Radiation will likely affect his ability to father a child.

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  1. crtb


  2. SebastianCanada

    Indy, I thought I crossed the line, but you were worse. That was NASTY! I liked it.

  3. Meg

    Lenny start a blog, nearly pissed myself at ‘circling the drain’ 🙂

  4. Indy

    Sebastian: You meant GUYS, I’m sure, not GUY.

  5. SebastianCanada

    Lucky Tom Cruise doesn’t have throat cancer – if that happened SOME guy would have cause for concern.

  6. Pippa-London

    Umm radiation would not affect Michael’s sperm unless they were beaming it right at his balls, which seems unlikely given he has Throat Cancer!

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    Freezing the sperm must be indicative that MD is feeling very negative about his survival chances from cancer.

  8. jojo

    Zeta-Jones and I are more than likely the same age. She ain’t quite 50, but neither is she 41. If she is 41 than I am doing a little victory dance because I look better than she does and that was before the thought of losing her husband to cancer has taken its toll. Been there done that. My husband also had cancer albeit in our early years. We didn’t save sperm, we already had kids. While I hope MD also has a cancer success story, I think old people freezing their sperm is rather quite pathetic. Enjoy the children you have and the time you have with them.

  9. SebastianCanada

    Bluejay, Cathrine is a beauty, and always will be, but have you seen The Darling Buds of May? I think it was her first major vehicle – a British dramedy. She was in her late teens or early twenties. What a peach!

  10. Bettye Bluejay

    In Oceans 11 the camera was on Catherine’s face in full sunlight, and she was absolutely luminous. She just has a mature look about her…not 50. 41 sounds right.

  11. captain america

    yep, PLEAS SAY “GOODBYE”, folks!!

  12. sweetie

    YUCK! Just because you can produce sperm doesn’t mean it’s HEALTHY sperm. Do ya think maybe the genetic material in those things might just deteriorate with age????

  13. Indy

    I don’t think she wants to have another baby, even via a surrogate. Maybe she just wants to sell the little wigglers to some of his ‘adoring’ fans. BTW, Wikipedia states she was born in 1969,(yeah right), which would make her 41.

  14. Hello

    Damn Lenny, circling the drain. Good lord!!! Very good.

  15. Bettye Bluejay

    Canada’s right–sperm get old, just like eggs.

  16. Muffin

    I think he’s a goner. He looks very, very sick. I think he is just putting on a brave face for the world. Catherine is definately older than she admits. She must be pushing 50.

  17. Jerry D

    II have to say, I admire Michael for continuing to be in the public eye (my god, the paparazzi are unstoppable) when he is clearly gravely ill. There is no way he can look that way and be responding well to treatment. The whole frozen sperm thing is bizarre considering he has several children. I wonder how many wives actually get inseminated with dead husband’s sperm. It seems to me the conversation would go something like this: “Of course I’ll have another one of your children after you’re dead! How can you doubt me?”

  18. Teddy

    This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Having said that, I hope MD survives cancer. (But, I mean really, Catherine having another baby, even by a surrogate, is just over the top.)

  19. City Girl

    Yeah,because he did such a bang up job with son Cameron. These people who have lived their lives recklessly, then all of a sudden are faced with their own mortality need to get a grip.

    Neither him or his wife need to be in the gynnie’s office for a prenatal visit—Nor a surrogate.

    You’re old. All of us are there,or gonna be there soon. Just enjoy the time we are here for cryin out loud.

  20. SebastianCanada

    Zeta-Jones does not recover from pregnancy all that quickly either. If she want her acting career from this point on to be anything other than an afterthought, she should forget about kids.

    Ah…she would probably get a surrogate – they are all the rage in La La Land.

  21. Scooby

    We did this once, years ago. All I can say is LABEL YOUR TUPPERWARE.

    Those “Frozen Yogurt Smoothies” are an unmentionable topic, even today.

  22. Lenny

    She already has two kids and she’s set for life and he’s circling the drain, why does she want more kids? She’s going to get a boat load of cash.

  23. SebastianCanada

    Douglas has enough kids by this point. What? Is his and/or Cathrine’s genetic material so special that the world cannot do without at least another offspring?

    Anyway, I am sure all his sperm have walkers and cataracts.

  24. Palermo

    They are both too old to have more kids, and why bring another one into the world without a Dad. I remember seeing pictures of her smoking while pregnant, so she obviously puts her own needs first, and who knows, she could get cancer next.

  25. Anonymouth

    As she is certifiably FIFTY, Catherine might want to throw a few of her eggs in the fridge, as well.