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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

This tough guy actor loves playing a hero. His successful movies are violent and loaded with explosive action. He’s always been a macho bruiser so romantic scenes are scarce and that’s fine with him. He dates pretty women when he’s in the US, but he prefers to make movies that film in Europe. That’s because he feels he has more privacy there. He can do what he wants without being observed and what he wants to do is go to gay bars and pick up men. His girlfriends back in the US wish he’d commit, but he’s far too interested in male companionship.

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  1. Anonymous

    Vin Diesel’s movies aren’t really very violent.

  2. Anonymous

    It’s Johnny Depp.

  3. John Dietrich

    I think it’s Johnny Depp.
    When he was filming 21 Jump Street in Vancouver, he mouthified a hung friend of mine many times, even flew him down to Lauderdale often.

  4. Anonymous

    It IS Jason Statham which finally solves the mystery of why he is paying that skank ho hooker girl to be with him.

  5. Anonymous

    My first thought was Jason Statham.

  6. Anonymous

    If Tom Cruise had a girlfriend instead of a wife… it would be Tom

  7. Patty Cake

    Vin Diesel

  8. Anonymous

    Colin Farrell

  9. prttymn

    Clooney isn’t a toughguy- he’s a goof
    Janet didn’t say the guy WAS european, just that he likes to shoot in europe.
    Nobody cares about All!
    And while I’m glad for the cousin’s cousin, and the uncut peen- I’m thinking that this is another jab at Vin’s elusive homo-ness.

  10. Anonymous

    gerard butler.

  11. dl

    It’s Jason Statham.

  12. Anonymous

    NO it’s Sly Stallone

  13. Anonymous

    Yea, it’s most definitely Statham. I have a cousin whose cousin has been Transported by his uncut peen. Woof.

  14. Anonymous

    It’s Jason Statham

  15. Anonymous

    More than likely the “Muscles” from Brussels–Jean Claude Van Damn. Rumor had it when he was married to Darcy LaPiere they went cruising together for “bois” in weho at Rage. And that it might have been what she used as “leverage” in their nasty divorce. Van Damn hasn’t made a film shot in the US for YEARS. And he is married. So what. So was Cary Grant, Dom Deluise, Tom Cruise, John Travolta. What is your point????

  16. Marytart

    Charles Bronson is dead you goofball. Jean Claude is married.


    Charles Bronson is gay

  18. Anonymous

    Daniel Craig

  19. Anonymous

    Dolph Lundgren or Jean Claude

  20. thinking

    well you are obviously implying that it is Jason Statham, but he is NOT gay. so either your facts are wrong or you mean Daniel Craig and he isn’t gay either. So european, mostly european movies, but has a recent release?…

  21. Anonymous

    I was thinking Jean Claude Van-Damme.

  22. Anonymous

    Jason Statham

  23. Anonymous

    Seagal likes Seaguys.

  24. Anonymous

    Flavor Flav.. Bridgette! Bridgette Nielson!

  25. Anonymous

    Steven Seagal.

  26. mpeople

    Would have thought Van Damme as he fits the profile but he’s married now… Vin then? seems obvious though he has done sappy films (unfortunately!)
    lol @ clooney.. he may be gay/bi but he isnt a bruiser!

  27. Anonymous

    Its Vin. Remember Vin had a “FRIEND” who was visiting him and Vins Dog bite that guy in the crotch.

  28. Anonymous

    It’s Vin, that’s old news

  29. Anonymous

    Either Clooney (who has a villa in Italy) and Vin Diesel. I used to go clubbing in Tunnel in NYC where Diesel was a bouncer on gay nite. I understand that he was more than friendly with the gay-male clientele. hmmm

  30. Sylvia

    Can’t see Kevin Spacey as a macho bruiser LOL.
    I had read that Vin D. is gay.

  31. Anonymous

    Vin Diesel…this isn’t new…

  32. Anonymous

    Kevin Spacey = macho bruiser
    Now that’s funny!

  33. Anonymous

    Kevin Spacey

  34. Anonymous

    George Clooney

  35. Spacelamb

    It’s Vin Diesel. Babylon AD and The Chronicals of Riddick were both made in Europe. George Clooney isn’t what you would call a “macho bruiser” and most of his movies are made in the States.

  36. Anonymous

    George Clooney