Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Jeff Goldblum is at it again. He seems to have yet another much younger girlfriend. Jeff, 58, and model Lydia Hearst-Shaw, 26, split a few months ago and this new girl he took to lunch could even be younger. “The Fly” star is very hip and noted for his witty conversation, but he’s also noted for changing his mind. According to former sweethearts, he can be hopelessly smitten and attentive one day and coldly disinterested the next. He can turn off his passion like a faucet.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
i find this hilarious well i say that he hooked up with emilie like a month or so after him and lydia spilt up if not a month then like 3 months afer but its ridiculous god cant u things slow and need some time alone jeff sheesh no wonder you got a shady rap when it comers to romantic relationships but then again nothing makes u feel young like a youngin and having to keep up with them too
i find this hilarious well i say that he hooked up with emilie like a month or so after him and lydia spilt up if not a month then like 3 months afer but its ridiculous god cant u things slow and need some time alone jeff sheesh no wonder you got a shady rap when it comers to romantic relationships
so when will he be in wurtsboro ny to hook up with a 40 year old that can do more than a 20?
This is about all that is in Jeff’s future….semitic looks and time at the deli, but without Larry King’s big checkbook:
forrest gump
Yes Indy, palmero is rgt to. Who wouldnt want want fresh dibs off the bus sweet virgin Hollywood casting couches babes.
You know when you go to grocery stores and they rewrap and redye the old meat red to make it look fresh?
According to former sweethearts, he can be hopelessly smitten and attentive one day and coldly disinterested the next. He can turn off his passion like a faucet.
That is called dementia
TO HELLO: I 100% agree with you that you agree with (1) Strom’s second comment. (2) hollywoodwhoreclub. (3) Yours truly. (PS: Palermo is correct, also)..
And…..The freak fly head was in “Jurassic Park” as a scientist or something….bad, bad acting; one dumb look the entire movie.
Jeff uses much worse terms than that himself for others, if you consider these accurate descriptions as bad which most dont. After all, Jeff is Yiddish as a lox and bagels. No doubt he has used that come on to score with the younger jewish girls too.
Don’t wear PC on your sleeves, Jeff sure doesn’t except maybe when it is useful.
Say Something Nice
We understand (and bear with us, the details are a little sketchy), that Lydia Hearst’s parents finally grew so desperate to pry her off Jeff, that they hired 2 Abercrombie & Fitch models (amazingly, they were able to source two straight ones) as “shock therapy” for her.
Well, it worked. Almost immediately, it was “Hello, boys,” and “Goodbye 60-year-old nut-sack!”
Poor Jeff hasn’t been the same since the break-up. After all, he was counting on Lydia to be his “retirement plan.”
And obviously his continuing grief is the reason he’s taken to dressing as a character from the Archie comics.
BUT the nice thing is, he’s inching closer to dating women within three decades of his own age. 😉
STROM!!! 🙂
The Fly needs to feed.
@Erica Watson, no Strom isn’t kidding. He’s this site’s resident bigot.
This just seems like a creepy weird-O!! He can’t get real women so he has to go for the young fame-seeking, naive ones. Gross, gross, gross.
I have go agree on Stroms second comment, hollywoodwhoreclub and Indy.
Erica Watson
“Yiddish Jeff” …. are you kidding Strom ? Why not tall Jeff or left handed Jeff .. ? you sub-literate, racist troll ….
Read the last 2 sentances and you see Jeff’s game. Like Leonard and others he is totally in it to score knotches on his belt. George Clooney gives his ex’s many a present……Jeff is the true jew in that he gives nothing except the cold shoulder!
He looks great because he had a facelift as I remember it. Why does he sleep with all these young girls, I guess because he can. They all want a foot in the door to Hollyweird. I guess it’s a mutual using of each other. Rather sad.
Mona Garrett
Is that a script she’s carrying?—Jeff’s probably helping her with her “acting” LOL.
And I agree w/ Bluejay regarding the hat and clown clothes. Thanks goodness he didn’t decide to go all gangsta with his youthful drag. 🙂
Credit where it’s due: He looks great for 58.
where is the story? sounds like every other human on this flying rock anyway….
especially that ‘mental dis-ease’ comment
and the ‘screw loose’ comment
and the ‘ain’t glued together’ comment
not to mention the NEVER SEE 30 AGAIN comment….
the old guy is single and not cheating on anybody. he likes dating younger women and looks like they like him too.
what is the big deal ? i think you guys are just jealous.
he isn’t hurting anybody.
I get super creeped out just looking at Goldblum; he still looks like that little fly head in “the Fly”.
He definitely has a screw loose and the old saying really applies here…..”There’s no fool like an old fool”.
Like many actors in hollyweird, JEff is probably suffering from sort of mental disease. Bipolarism is a problem in hollyweird. But, who really cares who he screws. The girls don’t mind as they want a piece of hollywood and will gladly bend over and take it up the ahole to be with an actor.
At 58, wearing a pork pie hat and twenty-something t-shirt are the first clues he ain’t glued together.
Familiar story: he’s in love with being in love. When they fall too fast, it ain’t you their falling for, honey. It takes a while to really get to know someone.
He’s in love with a figment in his head, not with the woman in front of him (or with what’s between her legs). Not young at heart – just immature, Jeff.
True and Yiddish Jeff doesnt care because all he wants is between her legs…it was the common thread in all the past girls…a few lies, a few good bangings, and move on to the next wannabe!
You think that woman is younger than 26? Look at the lines around her mouth and on her neck. Maybe an unfortunate camera angle, or maybe she’ll never see 30 again.