The spectacular failure of Janet Jackson’s latest album is causing a rift in her relationship with Jermaine Dupri. Jermaine produced the album on the Virgin label and when it tanked, he quit in a rage – blaming the record company for not promoting the album properly. But Janet’s still signed with the label and she feels abandoned with no one there to look out for her. “Watching Beyonce’s CD climb the charts hasn’t made Janet feel any better.” an industry insider remarked. Janet has been very serious about Jermaine – she talks about marrying him and having kids. (He stuck by her through all her weight fluctuations.) But now she doesn’t know where to turn – she’s been getting advice from her old pals Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and that makes Jermaine feel awful. Janet and Jermaine have been going out separately more than ever. They’re trying to work it out and get through the holidays. But if they can’t get past this huge failure, they’ll probably split in February and announce it after The Grammys.

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  1. Maybe people are just tired of the entire Jackson family and their self-promotion.

  2. 2:20 –
    You have a valid point. I couldn’t care less about this fake, plastic-surgery addict. I used to love her music but now she is just a sad caricature of what she used to be.
    Funny how you can be ready to dump the love of your life because an album tanks. She’s as shallow as a puddle.
    Good riddance, Janet!

  3. I think her album is not doing very well because the style is not up to date… and don’t get me started on the fact that she tries to hard to be sexually explicit. THat’s a cheap tactic that she’s still using in her recent video where her clothes keep disappearing.

  4. I love Janet but the last album was not very good. She has the problem that everyone from Britany to Ciara have copied her and Janet needs to raise the bar. So, knowing that she should have come up with a slammin’ album. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis should have been much more hands on and put more of their style on the album.

  5. JD shouldn’t have quit while this woman is trying to promote this album as we speak, she needs a hero and he was looking like it for awhile but now not so much. I love the album and i can’t wait for the new single and video “With U”.

  6. Janet you can’t be mad that Beyonce is climbing the charts when that girl sings….not whispers her way through a song. At some point your fans are going to grow up and get tired of that foolishness.

  7. (He stuck by her through all her weight fluctuations.)
    are you for real janet c? what the fuck is that supposed to mean????
    a woman is a woman, no matter what she weighs, you fucking dried up hag.

  8. The only time she ever was decent was when she was six yrs. old and was on old TV Show, GOOD TIMES back in the 70’s. She has lousy genes and stinks out loud!

  9. I dont think anything is wrong with Janet Jacksons new album or image, and I don’t think she is worried about Beyonce as competition. It’s kinda like “been there done that” As for JD….they don’t make a good couple anyway.


  11. The one and only reason her new cd tanked is because its awful.Looks as if janets ex husband renee had a lot more input on her cds than shes letting on.Her last good cd was.the velvet rope.All of her new cds have been awful with janet no longer singing but gagging on the microphone whispiring.Its borong and it sounds dated.Dont blame anyone but yourself janet,you released it,it stunk,now watch it die…
    OYE VEY……

  12. I’t a shame that is happening like that but if she feels she can do better with out him then so be it, it’s not nice getting dumped like that but if you have been with someone as long as they have at least try and sorted out, she say’s that if you are in control of your life and your destiny make it so,

  13. I love Janet and she is still the bomb to me! She continues to do her thing! I love the new album the look and everything! I thind people can be way to harsh and we need to give Janet the respec she deserves!

  14. to Juliet Barker,
    Janet is an aging novelty with a pip-squeeky voice, and that is all the respect she deserves.

  15. If you dont like her music then you shouldnt listen to it. Janet has been where beyonce is at a long time ago.So its a case of “been there done that”. And theres not a artist out there today that will have been in the business for 20 years. NOT BEYONCE,MARY J, and damn sure NOT CIARA. Yall need to get a damn Life

  16. Janet like every other big artist, is just having a bad day at work(the album),
    but she is still a determined and talented singer, who does not whisper her way through songs(by the way, let’s have that cleared up)! with focus and the right team, she can still pull it big, no doubt!But she also has to realise that there are so many other talented female singers out now as compared to before, she must find the right flavour.

  17. I think it will take more than this to break them up. Janet needs to work her magic with jam and lewis only. Never work with a significant other. She not over yet, I feel J has another incredible CD in her. But maybe has time has come and gone, it happens to everyone in the industry, doesn’t mean we have to S.H.I.T on her and be mean. She has outlasted quite a few people in this business.

  18. I think it will take more than this to break them up. Janet needs to work her magic with jam and lewis only. Never work with a significant other. She not over yet, I feel J has another incredible CD in her. But maybe has time has come and gone, it happens to everyone in the industry, doesn’t mean we have to crap on her and be mean. She has outlasted quite a few people in this business.


  20. The troll kidnapped the princess. Janet, should have stuck with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. It would have been a whole lot better. Props for sticking with it though. Just put out another version of the album. In the meantime, leave the troll under the bridge. He is a ghetto producer. Mariah doesn’t put up with that crap, why should you? Your sleeping with him and your album still didn’t sell? Jan, Jan, Jan?

  21. How sad that Janet has fallen so far. My advice to her; Grow up; nakedness and sex talk doesn’t translate into maturity. Why is she still ‘singing’ about sex? Has this woman, not, at 40, discovered anything more relevent and important to pontificate about in her albums? How truely tired…

  22. When she was married in secret to Rene Elizondo, he produced everything, Rhythm Nation, etc., he put out!! He made sure her career was on fire, the CDs were on fire & everything stayed that way.
    Now, she’s with Dupree & he hasn’t done squat! He doesn’t know what he has or who he has on his hands. He has no idea how to produce Janet & get her career back on track. Everything he’s done has turned to mud.
    She needs to dump him & get a new producer & just let him be her boyfriend NOT HER PRODUCER!
    He’s awful! Janet, get a new producer!!Bring back some smokin’ dance tunes!!!!!!!!!

  23. EVERY hit Janet had was produced by Jam & Lewis. She should have stuck with their production & NOT a troll who rips off lesser known writers’ music, etc. Janet doesn’t need to go around half naked either. She remains the finest female performer, bar none, on tour. No one can out dance or put on a better show than Janet. That’s her strong point and she ought to stick with touring, Jam & Lewis, and dump the troll. And for the record, she left Renee because he cheated on her. Simple as that. And Renee was nothing but an unemployed dancer when she met him. Janet already was an established actress. Janet is one of the finest artists in the world and she deserves respect for that, not a relationship with a munchkin who leaches off her fame and talent.

  24. Janet Jackson is still the bomb! No other female entertainer can out dance or outperform Janet. No one else has been around as long as she has — (not even her brother Michael). Not one 20 year old girl out there has a better body or more sex appeal. This says a lot for a 40 year old woman!! So she must be doing something right!! The problem here is, “You’re known by the company you keep”. When you date a man that is beneath you and has no class, he ALWAYS brings you down –(Look at Whitney and Bobby) He has never realized just what a jewel/rare gem he has in Janet. She is not “common” like your typical everyday hood rat AA female out there and neither is the stock she comes from. He is not on her level. If he wanted a ghetto queen he should have just looked around cause there’s plenty of that out there to choose from. I’m still in shock that he even pulled her!! Before he came into her life, she always had this air of “mystique” about her to where you just never knew her business. You never knew if she was married or not, had a baby or a boyfriend or not. This kept her fans at the edge of their seats in an ever present state of curiosity. Because no one really “knew” her and what made her tick, she never became too everydayish and could never become a bore or taken for granted. Now he has her so that she’s stooping to ghetto people’s level and has all her airing out all her business and it has really cheapened her!! What she needs is a new man who has pull behind the scenes, is not a household word and who can help keep her career and image on track. She needs to dump Jermaine — he is too short, too ugly and too ghetto for Janet!

  25. Its true Janet Jackson is a Bel Air woman not a hoodrat from the Ghetto. It seems Jermaine Dupri is STILL in the ghetto. I mean look at this videos. Janet should be embracing her 40s with grace, elegance and style. She should be on the cover of various magazines such Vanity Fayre, etc, not Miss Hoodrat 2006. OR on pimp my bitch 2006

  26. i love janet and jermaine and i know they can get through this! since they are spending time on the islands, it wil give them enuf time to talk things thru. jd has made janet happy and this mishap won’t ruin a good 5yr relationship!!

  27. Dear Janet,
    I have been a fan ever since good times, despite the hater’s your not old news youv’e stil got it going on. You don’t need Jermaine Dupri, you had talent before he ever came along. As for Jam and Lewis they can advize but you need a new change of style. You don’t have to do anything extra to be sexy because you dance and sing sexy. Good music comes from quality and class not clothes coming off. Don’t trade in your class for sleeze. I have not heard your new album but i will listen to it, and give and honest accessment. Girlfriend don’t change who you are to please the masses youv’e been doing it right for 20 years. Janet I hope your brothers and you do get back together for a show and tour. After this tour and break up with the pretender, get into Janet and take some time off to regroup. Try listening to your real fans who really love you and your music. You have to love you Janet before any man can, even great sex does not a relationship make, in other words get over shorty and find you. Men are like bus’es and cabs there will always be anotherone coming.
    your fan always,
    Charles Rose
    PS. I truely hope this comment finds you and you write me back. Best wishes !

  28. JD is not such a great producer anyway. He is marginally talented and having to produce for a star like Janet requires real, time tested talent from the likes of Jimmy and Terry.
    If the album was not being promoted correctly then why didn’t he pick up the ball? He’s got a little paper and influence and didn’t he produce it?
    Instead, he quits and leaves her with a jacked up CD.
    To me it sounds like he is looking forward to being a stay at home dad because of his own faltering career.

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