Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Last January, Skid Row front man Sebastian Bach, 43, and his wife Maria Bierk announced they were ending their 18 year marriage after being separated for a number of months. They have three children – Paris, 21, London, 14, and Sebastiana, 2. Apparently they patched things up, after all. Sebastian and Maria were photographed leaving an LA club looking like newlyweds.

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  1. This hair farmer is Canadian. Canadian. Canucks!!
    Go in Beantown tonight Canucks!!
    Bring it home!

  2. If, after all those years together, they brought another life into this world, they owe it to that child to give it what the others had, a real home, with happy parents. They look happy now, and I hope they do whatever it takes to stay that way. it CAN be done. Best of luck to them all.

  3. So I guess he was hoping for a boy with the last one, eh?

  4. He has a lovely looking wife. However, He looks high maintenance. His wife should get him drunk and take him to Super Cuts. lol

  5. That’s not Maria, it’s Minnie, his current girlfriend.

  6. He was gorgeous in his Skid Row days but he has had way too much plastic surgery and @dimes, he has sons. Paris and London are boys.

  7. He’s actually pretty cool…He’s a really nice guy who lives a rock n’ roll life….but it makes it minus the wife because of all the debauchery.

  8. Wait – he only has one daughter, and he named her Sebastiana?

  9. Thats not his wife….why report if you dont know what is going on???

  10. LMAO, Bach’s wife Maria dumped his alky ass, so the skank in this pic is her look-a-like replacement, some slut named Minnie Gupta.

  11. First of all the shown photo is of Minnie Gupta not Sandra alias Maria.
    Secondly Sebastian Bach was married at 19 years of age to Lavina kymille The very first night they met in presence of five strict officials on a frontier.Rumours are they never divorced and musicians that knew them say Bach worshipped her.Looks like the marriage and divorce to Maria was =Hollywood although nobody denies their love. This truly seductive hidden wife Nymphaea kymille wanted Skid Row sales to rocket on Billboard,so made Sebastian who wanted this to go public,was forced to only to tell his friends and Maria.Bach had several fights over her and admitted he still loved her.The mysterious mafiosa madrina who’d left him as he was much too violent and jelous was prevented from remarriage as Bach refused to divorce her.Musican friends claim they were hot and heavy often making out in clubs,either that or arguing.

  12. Sebastian Bach loved his hidden erotic first wife of 86 Nymphaea kymille,musicians say she wanted Skid Row sales to Rocket so asked never to be mentioned.Bach was way too violent with her yet Worshipped her.

  13. Sebastian Bach loved his hidden erotic first wife of 86 Nymphaea kymille,musicians say she wanted Skid Row sales to Rocket so asked never to be mentioned.Bach was way too violent with her yet Worshipped her refusing to divorce.

  14. Sebastian Bach and Lavina Nymphaea they never loved someone else the way they loved each other. Their love was(and still but different way – yeh, they are more than one strong evidence that proves that”)passionate, strong, romantic,erotic, lustful, but also fragile till the point they “intended” to hurt each other. Sebastian has survived from sever attacks from different kind of powerful rivals , some jealous of him (and skid Row – some wanted to break’m up and destroy Bach), and in someway..they were successful in that.

  15. I will highly appreciate if someone help me to find any kind of PICS of Nymphaea lavina kymille.
    I’ve been searching on whole internet but no chance so far. found only video clip “Bruises” where she appears briefly.

    Many thanks in advance.

    It’s just mysterious everything..!?

  16. It is évident that lavina is caméra shy.
    Prince Andrea of Monaco wanted to marry hér,hé évén defended hér.
    Lavina is self exiled heiress who should use hér title but ignorés it,and is not to be confused with newcomer lavinia Borremeo,who lavina once refered to as a helpful extra I.

  17. It is évident that lavina is caméra shy.
    Prince Andrea of Monaco wanted to marry hér,hé évén defended hér.
    Italian Cyrus-Cosimo maybe married to hér.
    Lavina’s unusual poetry can be read on Vampire under Nymphaea lavina.
    Children,yes with Italian heirs,and Rockstars also deceased children several one with a Prince,and one son deceased with HIM musician Ville Valo
    ,fondly refered to as krypt kiddie.
    Lavina is yugoslavian-french,childhood between Wales and South of France,self exiled heiress who could use hér title but ignorés it,and is not to be confused with newcomer lavinia Borremeo,who lavina once refered to as a helpful extra I,with a handsome Italian husband.
    ..lavina has 4 names of power and practices high magik,being devoted to Aleister Crowley thelemite law.

  18. All thése posts about Sébastian and lavina,she adored The Skid Row star yet hé not only cited hér with abandonment but found a colleague of hers to prétend and pose as hér in a bid to syphon cash.Aerosmith Steven Tyler confided hé helped with the déception because hé wanted Lavina kymille,then hated hér after she took no notice of him.Bach was with his beautiful wife who has the sensualité of Monroe or Bardot, when they were joined by the Aerosmith frontman after Tyler and lavina had attended a Tom Petty concert. Sebastian coincidentally was stabbed early on in his career in Reno,Nevada,with just lavina and Steven Tyler présent.Lavina got Sebastian to the hospital where hé remained in a comatose state for several months.Tyler states hé was just an innocent bystander.

  19. Lavina Nymphaea kymille Maria Messalina was a ghost actress,but can be seen briefly on you tube Gêne loves-jezebel song bruises with gothique dyed black haïr,and in film scènes of Nosferatu.”lavina has the innocence and aura of a goddess versed in magic.”Incidently lavina was also présent for Sébastian’s suicide attempt leaving a scar on his wrists.Those two deeply loved each other,despite bribes and imposters sent to seperate thèm they never divorced.

  20. Aerosmith Joë Perry is Bach’s estranged beautiful wifes Lavina’s blue-électric cowboy.Lavina who closely resembles former Aerosmith wives has some ties to Brigitte Bardot.

  21. In the coming months litigation and possible arrest faces Skid Row Sebastian Bach resulting from Bach defrauding his wife Lavina kymille.The vocalist was forced to pretend his wifes colleages were her in her absence in order to download her fortune.This includes Bach’s alteration of legal documents to order.The undivorced legal wife lavina kymille was said to be reluctant to press charges but ironically possibly Rolling Stones Mick Jagger has advised this.Sebastian and lavina kymille married in 1988,never divorcing.

  22. Sebastian’s estranged hidden wife Lavina was a Beta monarch/Black widow seductress,Illuminati M.O.D.

  23. 2 die 4 beautiful Gypsy Faubourg Lavina would never marry a Berber and that’s who Berenyi is,she would not! We évén doubt that Sebastian and hér actually divorced.

  24. Infantes Exiled Serbian Royal Lavina,who was hunted,hidden,robbed,degraded,all hér life is so lovely.Lavina married both Rock Star and Royal,divorcing neither.

  25. Sebastian never divorced Lavina kymille,the ultimate in blow up dolls. Erotic,sensual,forbidden.

  26. Nymphaea lavina was sex-slave Beta/black widow assasin.Worth trillions and let Sebastian reroute it away from her.The coolest,kitty ive even witnessed.Monroe aura….gets me wondering…

  27. Nymphaea lavina kymille was indeed a real life Black Sea Princess,whose trafficked life of woe began with Rockstars.Married to Skid Row frontman Sébastian Bach at the very begining of Skid Row,despite Andrew Berenyi also placing claim to hér,the unusual newlyweds never actually divorced,causing havoc when seductively sinister Lavina married a Prince exiled in Paris.On realising Lavina never divorced the marriage was going to be annuled but sincè Lavina suffers from narcolepsy was presumed dead and the distressed Prince buried hér as his Queen in Paris,only to find Lavina awoke pré ritual and simply left a Royal dagger in the ornate casket never bothering to inform anyone she was simply a narcoleptic vampiress.Mother to Jaega,Paris,Emmlene,Dannilo,Brenne,Morelo,to various Stars is just about the coolest satanic former actress/poétique héroïne in the entire cosmos.If that isn’t enough she may of also wed an Italian and forgot.A réal Magikal Child who had a beautiful murdered mom that Jinx Dawson copied.

  28. Um…the woman in the picture is NOT Maria, Sebastian’s wife of 18 years who is now his ex-wife (and how is she getting on, I wonder). She’s Maxim model fodder Minnie Gupta.

  29. Even this August Sebastian proposed a renewal of vows to seductive vampy Nymphaea Lavina Kymille Messalina Violetta Maria.Bach and her actor twin son were in England as Lavina lives near Actor Nicholas Cage and her French estate.

  30. Even this August Sebastian proposed a renewal of vows to seductive vampy Nymphaea Lavina Kymille Messalina Violetta Maria.Bach and her actor twin son were in England as Lavina lives near Actor Nicholas Cage and her French estate.They first wed in 85 or 86 not 88,wikepedia got it wrong.

  31. Is this a bad time to mention Sebastian Bach’s estranged wife Lavina Kymille whom Bach cited with abandonment,may likely have two Motley Crue twin sons known as the Italy-jets with bassist Nikki Sixx.The devilishly handsome older sons near 20 years old are actors,The toxic Aerosmith duo also have kids with her.Sebastian refused to divorce her ruining her relationships with fights or waving their wedding document which was altered to forge-fit in all Lavina kymilles friends as Sebastian was jelous,angry and full of vengeance.Kids names are Emmalene,Jaega-Jaggiello,Paris,Brenner,Dannilo,Salva-t.They are =2 hot!

  32. Long suffering estranged wife of Skid Row Sebastian Bach Lavina Kymille is to Sue for Allimony.A list of the best music business lawyers has been handed to the estranged wife of early Skid Row.

  33. Skid Row Sebastian Bach claims he was FORCED by peer musicians to date other women in jelous bid to lure him from wife Lavina Kymille.This August the forlorn singer who accepted bribes to defraud his wife whom he claims neglected him,asked her to remarry and suggests Dallas writer Camille Marcella wrote scripts designed to ruin his families lives.Bach also claims he was set up on dates with homosexual musicians and transexuals one called Lauren who had operations to copy actresses.Bach further stated he used girls against his beautiful and talented estranged wife Lavina Kymille.

  34. who would of thought lovely LAVINA Kymille helped Billie PERRY keep her black Mercedes. BOTH girls attended SKID ROW WORCESTER MASS GIG TOGETHER.

  35. Guess they never divorced afterall. Lavina Kymille is mother to sons Paris,Jaega,Danillo, Brenner, Jasona and daughters Emmalene,Isis.

  36. Can anyone put me/us in clear about this Nymphaea Lavinia Maria Kymille woman? Because besides poor grammar and aberrations, theres nothing much left.

  37. everything on here (and the internet in general) about this woman sounds made-up. sorry people but nobody’s life is that extraordinary. oh shes a princess but doesn’t use her title, a prince wanted to marry her but thought she was dead but she came out of the coffin cuz she’s just narcoleptic, she practices magick, she’s gotta vast fortune (yet is gonna sue for alimony if the posts on here are true) shes a member of the Rothschild family, she has kids with rockstars and royalty, she’s an actress and singer…blah blah blah. I believe about three of the things ive read about her.

  38. oh and lets not forget she was an assassin…do people really believe this shit?

  39. She’s a nut job who used to date the lead singer of Gene Loves Jezebel. Her name is Kymile.

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