ryancut.JPG(Ryan and Redmond with Alex Ramos at Retired Boxers Foundation event 2008)
Ryan O’Neal should be nominated for “worst father” in the history of Hollywood. Every one of his kids seem to be hopelessly screwed up by drugs and following in his crooked path. Last December a furious Ryan reportedly punched and KNOCKED OUT his son Redmond at Ryan’s Pro-Gym in LA in front of 30 spectators. Ryan blew his top and accused Redmond, 23, who had just completed his 12th stint in rehab, of using drugs again and forging a check to get them. The latest arrest in which Ryan’s Malibu house was searched as part of Redmond’s probation is especially appalling. Redmond was caught with meth and a vial of meth was reportedly found in Ryan’s room also. Both were arrested with $10,000 bail. People at Ryan’s gym are shocked – they thought that since Ryan had his cancer scare, he was working out religiously and focusing on getting himself and Farrah better. If charges against Ryan turn out to be true, it will be a big disappointment, but it might explain his violent temper.

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  1. Janet, I agree with you completely. Ryan is a drunken, drugged out bully-boy who neglected his kids when he wasn’t abusing them. Tatum and Griffin’s mother is also an addict, and Farrah is plain nuts, so these kids were doomed from the start. Very sad that they had money and fame, but neither of those things can buy a child what it needs most-loving responsible parents.

  2. Celebs are exactly the kind of people I look up to for advice on living a good healthy decent life , politics and geopolitics….NOT.

  3. Red hair = hot temper.
    Farrah shoulda stuck with the six-million dollar man. What did she see in this bum?

  4. Red hair = hot temper.
    Farrah shoulda stuck with the six-million dollar man. What did she see in this bum?

  5. What a sad story that family is. I can’t even think of a nasty thing to say – they are just pathetic.
    I hope they ALL clean up their acts and live happier lives.

  6. i read tatum’s book – ryan is an absolute monster. she also eluded several times in the book to a male friend that lived with ryan: “greg, the artist” who traveled everywhere with him, even though he was quite a supposed womanizer. I have heard rumors about ryan’s sexuality over the years and one has to wonder if he was closeted and not able to be himself, it may have contributed to his drug use and violent nature.

  7. How can Ryan live with himself? His whole family is messed up due to his horrible parenting and drug abuse. Those 3 kids never stood a chance in life. Just like Michael Jackson,s “kids” who he bought and who will be scarred for life from being raised by the freak who bleaches himself and cuts his own nose off to spite his face. Every sibling of Michael’s cut off their nose…they are all freaks…ugly as hell…and those poor bought white children will figure it out someday and be REALLLLLY pissed that nobody saved them from their freaky horrible unnatural childhoods!!!

  8. I’ll be blunt: “white trash” is what you are reading about.
    I have read Tatum Oneals memoir, her mom was a speed freak and out of it most of the time. Tatum and her brother Griffith were left to raise themselves while Mom was getting high and Dad was MIA.
    Farrah Faucette and Ryan Oneal were supposed to be a golden couple of the 1970s and 1980s, as always what lies behind the image is not what you are actually seeing.
    This is their only child and he is a mess.

  9. Thanks Janet. The readers love it when you write about the 70’s. No more Miley/Jonas/Winehouse crap ok?

  10. I read Tatum’s book. The parental neglect was very sad. To respond to an earlier poster, I don’t know if Farrah should have stuck with Lee Majors. They were only married a few years and he’s gone on to have a track record of 4 wives. One thing is for sure in Hollywood – no one seems to be very happy for very long.

  11. History repeats itself. Back in the late ’70’s Ryan knocked out his son Griffin’s front teeth when the kid got into dad’s coke stash. Griffin was subsequently admitted to Westwood Hospital in West L.A., a psych unit, ’cause he didn’t want him at home.
    He’s a nasty, wild Irish drunk who constantly took Tatum clubbing to attract women, then threw her to the curb at 14 when he hooked up with Farrah.
    Redmond sure got the worst of both their looks! None of these kids ever had a chance.

  12. History repeats itself. Back in the late ’70’s Ryan knocked out his son Griffin’s front teeth when the kid got into dad’s coke stash. Griffin was subsequently admitted to Westwood Hospital in West L.A., a psych unit, ’cause he didn’t want him at home.
    He’s a nasty, wild Irish drunk who constantly took Tatum clubbing to attract women, then threw her to the curb at 14 when he hooked up with Farrah.
    Redmond sure got the worst of both their looks! None of these kids ever had a chance.

  13. Maybe Redmond planted the Meth in his dad’s room to get even with him??? Knowing this would make Ryan look even worse in the public eye….

  14. Ryan does have a son with Leigh Taylor Young, Patrick. I believe he has turned out okay … would have to be because of a solid relationship with a stable mom … maybe, also, Ryan dumped her and maybe turned his attention away from Patrick.

  15. I doubt Redmond ‘planted’ any drugs in Ryan’s room. Any ‘ice-head’ would use that stash, not plant it somewhere. Ice Head, Ice Head, Nonny Nonny Ice Head.

  16. I doubt Redmond ‘planted’ any drugs in Ryan’s room. Any ‘ice-head’ would use that stash, not plant it somewhere. Ice Head, Ice Head, Nonny Nonny Ice Head.

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