Photo Credit: Splash News

After Ryan O’Neal and his son Redmond were arrested in September for possession of methamphetamines, Ryan’s lawyer insisted that Ryan had confiscated the drugs from his son and they weren’t his. But yesterday the story changed – Ryan pleaded GUILTY to drug possession and agreed to enter an 18 month drug treatment program. Charges will be dropped if he completes the program. Redmond was already on probation when he was arrested and he’ll be arraigned February 20th. Ryan is not supposed to associate with drug abusers, but Redmond will probably be shipped off to another rehab or even jail. And you think YOU have a messed up family!

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  1. How much you wanna bet that he took the rap for Redmond because he found out Redmond would go to prison and he doesn’t want Farrah to have to endure the agony of seeing that.

  2. How much you wanna bet that he took the rap
    What is the excuse for his other kids?
    Apple does not fall far from the tree.

  3. I agree, Redmond better get his act together, thanks to Ryan he just dodged a major bullet.

  4. Do people that old actually do meth? I always picture the meth afficianados as 15-20 somthings from the trailer park working on their next Springer worth saga.
    Who does drugs after 30 anyhow. Gah!

  5. On a positive note, Ryan’s new haircut is much more flattering!
    That overlong 70’s shag he was sporting until recently was doing neither him — nor his expanding waistline — any favors.

  6. “Took the rap to spare Farrah the agony of seeing Redmond go to prison “?!? LOL
    Ryan plead “guilty” because he didn’t have a prayer of beating the charge otherwise. Had he plead “not guilty”, he was facing hard time. By pleading “guilty” for his first drug offense, he could do rehab and if successful, have the charge expunged. Besides, there was plenty of substantive evidence that HE TOO has been using methamphetamine for a long time. He did the only thing he COULD do… and the kid had nothing to do with it.
    As for Redmond, (the original “Lost Cause” and THIRTEEN-TIME-rehab loser) –he hasn’t even had his day in court yet… and when he does, you can be sure the little shit’s going to the big-house. The last time he was sent to rehab on a drug charge the judge said he had no doubt whatsoever that Redmond O’Neal was “a hopeless drug addict”… HOPELESS! And still a teenager! That little fuck has brought more grief to Farrah (and everyone else in that family) than even THEY deserve. Good riddance. He should do them all a favor and fatally O.D.

  7. I agree with the 1st part of F. Lee Daley about Ryan O’Neal. But the kids (both Redmond and his sistum Tatum) really had no real example of clean living). I think Tatum wrote in her autobiography how their father would do drugs with them at a young age. Farrah (who is no saint herself) left Ryan because of his lax attitude about doing drugs with his kids. Farrah wanted to send Redmond to rehab when he was very young and Ryan prevented her from doing so. And the rest is now history.

  8. I agree with the first commenter and think Ryan entered a guilty plea in order to put the matter to rest as quickly and quietly as possible. I guess I believe that the drugs belonged to his son (though I admit I can’t possibly know and I’m only basing this on my read of what little info there really is). To fight the drug possession charges Ryan was facing, Ryan would have to point more trouble toward Redmond. I agree that the family seems terribly lost and messed up, but for some reason it appears to me that Ryan is trying to do what’s best today. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t made terrible decisions in the past.

  9. They both ought to be ashamed of themselves, after everything Farrah went through you’d think they’d appreciate her and straighten out their lives, they’re pathetic both of them.

  10. Ryan is the worst father in Hollywood. Every one of his kids is addicted. That’s not coincidence. That’s crappy parenting by a drunken bullying addict.

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