Rihanna has several piercings around her ears and a pierced nipple, but she might be contemplating adding more to her collection. She browsed at Village Pop Piercing in the Village Sunday and examined the selection of piercing jewelry. What better way to spend a beautiful spring afternoon in New York? Later she took her mother out for lunch and tweeted a photo of her cute little maltipoo Oliver, with the words ”I had mother’s day too.”
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This little pooch looks just like my girl. Sooo cute!
I’m sure Rihanna has a lot more piercing than the above mentioned. This girl is naughty and N-A-S-T-Y!
How sweet is little Oliver? He even has a posh pillow to slumber on. 🙂
insert my typically vacuous, always redundant, and entirely delusional racist comment here, yawn … I even bore myself
Rihanna is one super-dumb bitch.
Soon she will be tweeting…”OMG, somebody snatched my purse”.
Notice how she is holding the purse, with 2 or 3 fingers. A little kid could snatch it away, let alone all those tough looking hoods around her.
Repeat: Rihanna is one super-dumb bitch.
Sweet puppy! Looks very loved!
Poor little imposter…it just wants some attention and a break away from the call center doesnt it….doesnt have the smarts to make its own little posts though…maybe when it grows up!
As said, RiRi is one nasty large foreheaded lesbian,,,just laughs to the bank from all the money poor people spend on her version of music.
Indy, I doubt she goes anywhere without a bodyguard. I presume the guy or rather the arm to the left of the photo is keeping that fellow away from her.
Cute little maltipoo.
Indy, Why so harsh?
If only her Mother knew what filth and degradation Rihanna’s “Manager” Jay-Zee forces on his “client”.
For Halloween, I’m going as RIHANNA!
Strom you actually wrote this …. ?
“large foreheaded lesbian”, wtf ?
Man, you sure are missing some important parts, and display all the features of a sad and creepy guy. I wouldn’t let you near my kids. uuughh !
hey, whats with this this “call centre” fixation Strom ? you trying to tell us something buddy ? is that what you do ? thats ok,
but ! whats the deal with – ” a large foreheaded lesbian” ????? is that like a new species Strom ? what’s next ? left handed ukrainian librarian polyglot bigamists ?
I agree Bunny, what a creep !
i work no call center, i am a entropanneur. i sell maps to de stars houses me
another imposter, a large tongued lithuanian pomegranate lesbian enabler
Let me repeat it since the post was accepted so well. Maybe imposter can read it again during its break from telemarketing.
Poor little imposter…it just wants some attention and a break away from the call center doesnt it….doesnt have the smarts to make its own little posts though…maybe when it grows up!
As said, RiRi is one nasty large foreheaded lesbian,,,just laughs to the bank from all the money poor people spend on her version of music.
Denise, good morning…By golly I think you are correct. That is a bodyguard’s arm there. I’m always thinking of purse snatchers, because:
1) I have seen women in grocery stores leave their purse in the cart while they turn to pick out apples, etc.
2) My aunt went to do karaoke at a bar and put her purse under the table while she was gone, and you guessed it. Gone. You can’t be too careful nowadays.
walt, good morning…I was a little harsh w/ RiRi because the latest pics of RiRi in the Enquirer are quite shocking. She goes out club-hopping almost every night, gets smashed, and has to be helped to her car. And per Enquirer reporters, she is still hung up on, and maybe seeing, Chris Brown on the side. Her friends are thinking of staging an intervention to get her mind off this abuser and to get her into rehab.
walt, I’m in a good mood, because on Tuesday I go to the best Mexican buffet en todo el mundo. (in the whole world) And from what I hear, Mexican buffets are scarce as hen’s teeth. This place has everything delish and you feel like you are in Mexico. I’ll think of you. LOL 🙂
Train wreck in training.
Strom, it seems you’re the one at the call center buddy, and that large headed lesbian thing well, it’s just dumb.
What A Cute Little Dog…So Rihanna has a little puppy she calls her little baby…I Guess that will do for know!
Even though I have never listened to her Music…All I See is a Beautiful woman?
What a Delightful and thoughtful Daughter and Rihanna,s Mother must be very Proud of her Daughters amazing rise to Fame!
Junior…what is dumb, is that you can’t see it. RiRi has a forehead the size of Alabama and is happy to plant it right between the legs of her assistant/girlfriend as often as possible. She is one knarly lesbian!
Don’t miss that next call now!
“lithuanian pomegranate lesbian enabler”????
Should you require an explanation I am certain Mr Strom will provide one, as he’s an equal opportunity hater and clearly he does enjoy to go on, and on, and on, about islands, knarly lesbians etc. ( btw. knarly is a term we usually reserved for describing waves at Imperial beach back in the day, so it’s really odd to see it in that context, I guess he doesn’t really know what it means, but likes the sound )
But I, as do others do to, suspect English isn’t Strom actual first language, as he brings a late adopters enthusiasm and an eccentric “elasticity” to his use of adjectives in particular, and as he’s not bound by the rules of common usage he runs amok.
He knows not what he does, he thinks he’s a sharp one.
Lazy Laotian Lesbian Lefthanded Libertines, send them all to the Island …
Junior seems a good moniker for Junior….he throws out words and attacks but certainly cant provide factual misstatements…..knarly is and would be an appropriate description for a RiRi w/o makeup just as it would be for a Sam Ronson in any stage of dress!
To repeat:
RiRi has a forehead the size of Alabama and is happy to plant it right between the legs of her assistant/girlfriend as often as possible. She is one knarly lesbian!
rihanna simply knows how to treat & so please the faggots surrounding her….
give up Strom, its no contest, you’ve lose again
It’s not a win or loss for me, as it’s not about posters but certainly the glamorizing of RiRi is a loss of class for the human race.
No doubt, the Junior will have another explanation after his shift ends and he returns from the Gay Pride community organizing meeting.
Hope & Change