Behind closed doors in Hollywood, talks are underway to bring the recently departed Tammy Faye Bakker’s life story to the bigscreen. But WHO should play the part?
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9 thoughts on “POLL: WHO'LL PLAY TAMMY FAYE?”
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Why is Naomi Judd an option? I vote none of the above.
I think Paula Abdul would do a fine Tammy Faye. She is the same body stature, face could be done similarly and same kind of voice – plus she cries easily.
Kelly Osbourne would be perfect!
Charlene Tilton has become Tammy Faye! Check her out on
Charlene Tilton has become Tammy Faye! Check her out on
They are all too old to play her life story.. Sheese! I say use Paris Hilton.
Britney! – where fashion and music meet! – Get on in the CLUB if you wanna have fun!
Naomi Judd, I mean…don’t insult Tammy Faye like that!
rudy guiliani!
actually tammy faye should have gone to jail with her pervert ex. no film on them, please.