Thery’re still together. Miley Cyrus looks pleased as punch to be on the arm of her boyfriend – or maybe fiancée Liam Hemsworth at the premier of his movie “Paranoia.” (Which, incidentally, might be pretty good) She also looks a whole lot more conservative than she has in awhile. There’ll be no twerking tonight.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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16 thoughts on “MILEY CYRUS: “I TOLD YA SO!”

  1. I read on other sites it was clear he didn’t want to be there and winced when she touched him, so which is it. She’s a total skeeve and a bimbo now.

  2. ^^^^^I agree with youse two^^^^^^

    He always looks miserable when with her. When is she going to realize he is not ready to settle down. When is she going to realize she is not ready to settle down. Both probably have one thing in common: shared germs from many shared partners. lol

  3. Well, if he isn’t ready to settle down, he should not have proposed and definitely should not have given her that gorgeous ring.

  4. This is a decent picture of her, but apart from her body she is a really ugly girl.

  5. Abe, you’ve got it all wrong, she’s the loser in this relationship. He’s a rising star with a shot at a real movie career, her career is over.

  6. He is so ready to start chewing his arm off to escape. She has the teeth to do it.

  7. She’s the bossy controlling type who tells her man what to do all the time and he’s the easy-going sort who just puts up with it all the while wanting desperately to get away from her.

    She’s so controlling and insecure that she refuses to see their relationship is unhealthy and will not last.

    You cannot force a man to “love” you, ever. The harder you squeeze, the more they want to get away.

  8. She has one thing on her mind: marriage. Hope he ain’t dumb enough to do it. He will be sorry, mark my words. Marriage is a one-way trip to hell.

  9. Dick why do you hate marriage so much? It’s lovely with the right person.

  10. Paula, that’s exactly it. She’s acting on learned behavior. Her parents marriage is completely dysfunctional and she’s just repeating the pattern. I feel so sorry for billy r. Cyrus with that mental case of a wife.

  11. She’s just there to steal some of his thunder and suffocate his joy..

  12. They where not talking to each other and basically ignoring each other whole time.So,they are definitely not back together.I say:run Liam run.

  13. seems like by now, one of his buddies would have taken him aside and told him the whole world is laughing at this goofy relationship with this dumbass girl. He can do so much better than her.

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