
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Note to Melanie Brown: This is what happens when fashion clouds your logical thinking. Teetering platform boots are not recommended apparel for the airport. There’s a lot of walking in terminals and keeping your balance with kids can be difficult. Not to mention the fact that legs in those tight Spice Girl boots might swell up on a long flight. Mel B couldn’t live up to her dangerous looking leopard footwear and she gave in and opted for a wheelchair. (That’s Angel, her daughter with Eddie Murphy, on her lap.)

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  1. oh please!! She’s not injured! How self rightous to have someone push you through an airport in a wheelchair. How pathetic some of these celebrities are.

  2. Plus, she’s taking away a wheelchair from someone who’d really need it. Like, um, a person with an actual injury.

  3. Hilarious.
    Mel B is also top heavy, I suspect the implants throw her balance off even further.
    Cute kid, BTW,

  4. Using a wheelchair when you don’t need one is asking karma to bite you in the ass. Watch out, Mel.

  5. Mel B is ONE TOUGH BIOTCH. I thought she was going to kick someone’s a** when she lost on DWTS. She is so strong she could probably beat the s**t out of the boxer, Laila Ali. And she can and should kick Eddie Murphy’s low-life butt.

  6. Mel must be fixing to go fly-fishing in those boots. Regarding the wheelchair, maybe her kid was sick and no one needed the chair at that time. Would you tell this rough tough gal NO, if she wanted to ride and not walk?

  7. She obviously loves loves loves her tits. The kid will be well-fed and healthy.

  8. Even a veteran streetwalker such as she needs to give her feet a rest now and then.

  9. So now this delusional skank thinks she’s Liz Taylor?!!

  10. You can tell by the way the child is dressed, that the money she tricked Eddie into giving her is going all on her and her ridiculous boots.

  11. She is bawdy and pushy and obnoxious and she has sex on the brain. It is so obvious that she is quite taken with herself. Even though Eddie is basically a dirt-bag, he should be glad to be rid of ever. Spell her T.R.O.U.B.L.E.

  12. Let me begin by saying that I like Mel B, but puleeze! A wheelchair?? She should be embarrassed.
    I struggle with my own (slight) disability and rarely to never use a parking placard because I wouldn’t want to deprived someone less fortunate.
    This looks just plain bad.

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