
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

This photo poses a lot of questions. When did Jennifer Lopez and Victoria Beckham become such close friends that they hold hands? What do they have in common? The first we ever heard of them being in the same room together was at Tom Cruise’s wedding. The biggest question of all is: who plays second fiddle to who?

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  1. We will be seeing more of blonde J Lo as her real mane is as gray as Barbara Bush. She knows her figure stands out next to Vickey’s so she uses her here while Vickey is only too happy to be in any spotlite. All that is missing is Eva Longoria trying to get in the picture. Wonder what would happen if Black Puffy Combs showed up?

  2. I have to be honest, JC neither of these young women are my idea of a star.

  3. they both look great but Jennifer is obviously the movie star, she radiates happiness and has more confidence than half of hollywood, not to mention she is a smart businesswoman. Being their supporting fellow designers is just work.

  4. Poor Katie Holmes, kicked to the curb already. She was Posh’s BFF for last month.

  5. Icons of style. Lopez tends to shake it up a bit more with choices, whereas posh is a bit more predictable.

  6. I can’t tell if JLo is trying to hold Posh’s hand, or if it’s the other way around. At any rate, it looks awkward.

  7. Hello Janice theyve hung out many times since the wedding, theyve been to lots of events together

  8. They have been friends for many years since Lopez filmed a pepsi ad with her husband beckham and a great action packed commercial at that. youtube it.

  9. They have been friends for many years since Lopez filmed a pepsi ad with her husband beckham and a great action packed commercial at that. youtube it.

  10. They have been friends for many years since Lopez filmed a pepsi ad with her husband beckham and a great action packed commercial at that. youtube it.

  11. Jennifer looks very pretty in this, has lost all her baby fat…is back to better than before from the looks of it. Hope she doesn’t get all anorexic like Posh…EWWW yuck ick and pooey!!
    This is the best Jennifer has looked in a long time…hope she does something awsome soon!!

  12. Jennifer looks very pretty in this, has lost all her baby fat…is back to better than before from the looks of it. Hope she doesn’t get all anorexic like Posh…EWWW yuck ick and pooey!!
    This is the best Jennifer has looked in a long time…hope she does something awsome soon!!

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